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Deploying Reverse thrust


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I have a button on my throttle panel assigned to operate reverse thrust. The equivalent key to deploy reverse thrust is F2 - throttle decrease quickly, and this appears to work on the eJets, but the button I have assigned has no effect in the eJets, though it works as I expect on other planes - changing the noise from the engines and showing the relevant visual effect on the engines.

How can I make this button work on the eJets?

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I've checked the eJets configuration utility and there is nothing there relating to Reverse thrust. There are only three items that you can assign a button to in the utility (TCS, autopilot disconnect and TO/GA) and none of them relates to Reverse Thrust. I suspect this is a bug in the aircraft model.

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There might be incompatibility between the plane and custom hardware throttle due plane's FADEC implementation. Are you sure that throttle levers are firmly at IDLE position when you push reverse button? This button may fight a bit with levers. Does this button send F2 repeatedly when you hold it without release?


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