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Dear Pete,

I am running  Lockheed Martin's P3d v4.1.7.422841 with FSUIPC 5.123C.  Mine is a registered version registered to Cuyler Smith, cuylersmith@comcast.net, registration no. xxxxxxxxxx  I have the following addons:

1.  Chaseplane

2.  Spad.Next

3.  F1GTN

4.  GSX

5. Multicrew Experience vesion


7.  My Traffic Professional 6a

8.  Active Sky for Prepar3d V4

9.Active Sky Cloud Art

10. FSForce 2

11. Ultimate Terrain x

12. Ground Services X

13. FSGlobal Ultimate Next Generation

14. TrackIR 5

My computer is a 3770K processor overclocked to 4.2 Gegahertz, 16 GB RAM, Samsung 840 EVO 1 TB and 512 Gb (All Flight simulator stuff on 512 gb ssd), Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 Ti Display Card, Single Monitor.

I'm having the following problem running P3D version  4.1 with Lockheed Martin's P3d.  I have installed A2A's C182 in the default director C:\users\<User>\documents\Prepar3D v4 Addons directory.  I have set up FSUIPC to control the axis for an IRIS dynamics yoke with FSForce and a Saitech TPM, all working fine.  Now, when trying to set up the trim controls according to Froogleman's YouTube Video (recommended by A2A) on how to overcome the slow trim tab movement in the A2A C182.

I have the following problem.  First, there is no speedup of the trim wheel when using the IRIS trim button (2 and 3) to control the up and down motion.  This has worked in the past versions of FSUIPC.  Second, the trim wheel stops going up between the "e" and "k" in "take off" indicator on the Trim wheel in the A2A C182 in the simulator and stops going down just after the arrow indicator on the simulator arrow on the trim wheel in the simulator using the IRIS trim controls.  Third, after this happens FSUIPC no longer will launch from the Addo-ons menu in P3d.

Reloading FSUIP or restarting p3d restores functionality until the trim keys on the IRIS yoke are used again.  Then the same thing happens, FSUIPC will not start.

I am attaching a copy of my log and the Modules files are FSUIPC Documents Folder, FSUIPC Install.log, FSUIPC.DLL, FSUIPC.ini (attached), FSUIPC.JoyScan.csv, FSUIPC.key, FSUIPC.log, FSUIPC_prev.log, HGConfig.exe,

HyperGauge.dll, readme.txt, sb3gaugebridge.dll, spdbridge32.dll, spdbridge64.dll, Traffic.DLL TrafficInfo.DLL. TrafficRadarXML.dll, uipchist.bin, WideServer.log, WideServer0.log.

Hope all this info helps. 

Modules folder files.


FSUIPC5.logFetching info...

FSUIPC5 Install.logFetching info...

FSUIPC5.iniFetching info...

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