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Aircraft mysteriously climbs on its own

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  I am really having a tough time trying to figure out what is going on with my autopilot and PDMG a/c.


I filed a flight plan from KBOS to EGLL.. About 20 minutes later after reaching 350 (cruise altitude), the plane started to descend on its own for no apparent reason. I deactivated the AP and re-activated the AP. The plane will not respond to it nor any manual control of ailerons, rudder, not elevators. Some of the buttons on my Siatek controller still work, but not the yoke or throttle control. After 6 hours of removing every add-on , scenery, weather, atc add-ons i have, I was able to make things work again.. The thing i found was when i inserted/re-enabled  FSUIPC module again, the problem returned. I then removed it again, rebooted the machine , started FSX and the problem went away... The only thing i can recall is that i downloaded the latest FSUIPC several days ago...



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8 hours ago, jwyman said:

The thing i found was when i inserted/re-enabled  FSUIPC module again, the problem returned. I then removed it again, rebooted the machine , started FSX and the problem went away... The only thing i can recall is that i downloaded the latest FSUIPC several days ago...

Sounds like you have some bad assignments or clashes between your Sim and  FSUIPC.

Do NOT assign both in the Sim and in FSUIPC. Use one or the other. Also be aware that PMDG is very choosey about HOW things are assigned, and will usually not respond to FSUIPC calibrated values. Try just removing or renaming your FSUIPC4.INI file before starting FSX. If that makes it better you have bad FSUIPC settings.



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 I renamed the .ini file and the problem still exists. As stated before, i downloaded the latest one from the site a few days ago..Could that be the issue? I will see if i still have the older version and will re-install that and see if the problem still exists....



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1 hour ago, jwyman said:

 I renamed the .ini file and the problem still exists.

In that case it really isn't FSUIPC which is doing this, as without any settings it is not actiely doing anything at all except receiving data inn case any application needs it. Of course, it may still be acting on behalf of requests from applications using its facilities, or even by Lua plug-ins. Are you using anything like that?

2 hours ago, jwyman said:

As stated before, i downloaded the latest one from the site a few days ago..Could that be the issue?

Unlikely. The current version of FSUIPC4 dates from February, but it has not changed substantially for quite some time. It is now on a "care and maintenance" footing, with development being concentrated in the more popular and expanding 64-bit arena (P3D4 and FSUIPC5). After all, P3D4 is still being developed ...



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7 hours ago, jwyman said:

I do see some Lua files in the Modules directory. Not sure where they came from...

I use ASN, Rex SkyForce 3D, Coutal add-on manager with several FSDT sceneries...PRO ATC-X...

What names? Try moving them out or renaming them.

The other add-ons do not use FSUIPC except possibly ProATC.  Do you have the copilot enabled in ProATC? try without ProATC to see if that makes a difference.

To be honest, now, I'm convinced you are in the wrong Forum, that it isn't an FSUIPC probem.



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The only external thing i have running now is ASN w/ FSUIPC enabled.. I am deducting one thing at a time to see what happens.... I am not using PRO ATC_X at all during this whole exercise...lol.. Just tedious to retry this over and over..... But it is definitely easy to duplicate....

What is also weird is that the ailerons appear to move after i disconnect the AP but the plane itself doesn't roll. The elevator and rudder don't move. Also i can't select/click certain items on the menubar in FSX under the ADD-ON area.


My next step will be to try this with a non-PDMG plane like Aerosoft A321.....



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 Have some good news: I tried the Aerosoft A321 , flying the same FP...Rock steady. Didn't lose AP nor controls. It appears that this is a PDMG issue...

Thanks for your assistance in this...


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Just got done "chatting" with a developer at PMDG...Again the finger pointing begins.....

He says its FSUIPC issue...smh.

I DO need to use FSUIPC for the VA i fly with. Their ACARS unit requires FSUIPC to be installed...



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2 hours ago, jwyman said:

Just got done "chatting" with a developer at PMDG...Again the finger pointing begins.....

He says its FSUIPC issue

And did you tell thrm you had not settings in FSUIPC at all?

PMDG always seem to do that.



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Yes i told them but they are quick to assert blame when not even making constructive suggestions...

Is there in order the FSUIPC and as_bstrp.ll need to be in? I was reading in your PDF file that the LOADER delays FSUIPC until the others have had time to load...

Here's a copy of my DLL file....





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Well I just tried a flight from LAX to EGLL in a 777. I re-arranged the DLL file to start FSUIPC first then place the ASN as_bstrp file at the end...

I was able to fly for about 5 hours with no issue until suddenly the 777 pitched up and lost speed. AP wouldn't work nor the manual flight controls. It's like i lost all control of the aircraft...

One thing that was very strange is that this happen at about the same longitudinal point as the KBOS-EGLL flight i did the other day,. This just took longer. Flying over the US seems ok until i reach ther Canadian regions....

This makes this plane useless to fly now along with the 747


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Took the fall and wiped FSX et al from disk. Cleared out registry, directories, etc. 

Did fresh installed of FSX with FSUIPC and PMDG777. It Worked fine.

Installed add-ons one at a time and double check flight. All works fine. I am doing a LAX-LHR flight now and have passed that magical point which the plane started to act up...

Not sure what caused it but something must have been re-configured deep in the bowels of the machine...


Case Closed.... Thanks for your assistance, unlike PMDG....



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On 6/1/2018 at 12:46 AM, jwyman said:

Is there in order the FSUIPC and as_bstrp.ll need to be in?

The AS_BSTRP DLL is the Active Sky interface into the Sim, and ,yes, it should come after FSUIPC otherwise the weather radar facilities offered by FSUIPC may not work.

17 hours ago, jwyman said:

Took the fall and wiped FSX et al from disk. Cleared out registry, directories, etc. 


Not sure what caused it but something must have been re-configured deep in the bowels of the machine...

Case Closed.... Thanks for your assistance, unlike PMDG....

These sort of weird inexplicable occurrences are usually down to perhaps just one corrupt file. File corruption is usually caused by a crash or a power outage whilst the data is being written, but I suspect there are other causes.

Anyway, good to know you are up and running now. Thanks for letting us know.



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