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Assumption? Profile Files (Solved)

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Hi Pete,

Can't believe after all this time I haven't used profiles.
With all my lua files (30+) made for specific aircraft it was starting to become a nightmare - not any more! 👍

One thing I noticed, and was the assumption it would work, is the use of [General] ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring along with UseProfiles=Files.
I have in the main .ini -

[Profile.T-6 Texan]
1=A2A North American T-6 Texan RTW_9
2=A2A North American T-6 Texan RTW_5

1=F8F-2 Bearcat FSX V2 Worn OD RTWR Panel
2=Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat VF-61 RTWR Panel


If I select any other SHRS, Bearcat, T-6 Texan other than what is listed specifically, the profile doesn't engage. Otherwise it works for the specific listed aircraft.
Is this the way it is supposed to work? 
Just realized something but don't have time to test, is the following the key to it working?

[Profile.T-6 Texan]
1=T-6 Texan



Thanks, have a great day..

EDIT -- The latter was true.... 👍👍👍😄


Edited by spokes2112
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