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Dear Pete

I have just done a vanilla update of P3D to V4.3 and installed FSUIPC 5.124.
Using Sim-avionics B738 (latest version) on a Jetmax cockpit with Jetmax Throttles, MFG Crosswind pedals and Ace Yoke.
Yesterday, removed all P3d buttons and axis assignments, from all three controllers, normal & slew.
I checked config & calibrations in W10 and all worked correctly.
W10 also updated to latest state (KB4284848 cumulative update)
No Firewalls or anti-virus progs active on this pc.
Started setting up buttons and axes in FSUIPC, using settings from Sim-avionics which worked perfectly with 4.2 & 5.124.
Parking brake recognised correctly by FSUIPC and set up - but had no effect.
Same with both Fuel Valves.
Set-up toe brakes and these worked correctly.
Put post on P3D forum and was suggested I should check if I had latest FSUIPC installed.
I hadn't so, this morning installed 5.132 over 5.124, recognised as licensed copy.
Tried assigning Parking Brake again, all appeared to work correctly, but still doesn't function.

Log & Joyscan copied below.

Help !




********* FSUIPC5, Version 5.132 (26th June 2018) by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside Prepar3D v4
Module base=7FFF71F30000
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit reported as Build 17134, Release ID: 1803 (OS 10.0)
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "F:\P3D v4\Modules\FSUIPC5.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name="Christopher Finn"
User Addr="christopher.finn1@btinternet.com"
FSUIPC5 Key is provided
WideFS7 Key is provided
       15 System time = 05/07/2018 15:09:02
       15 FLT UNC path = "\\FLTSIM\chris\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\"
       15 Using PDK events
       15 Using DialogMode
       47 FS UNC path = "\\FLTSIM\F\P3D v4\"
      109 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      109 Product= MFG Crosswind V2
      109    Manufacturer= MFG
      109    Serial Number= MFG500002
      109    Vendor=16D0, Product=0A38 (Version 33.1)
      172    GUIDs returned for product: VID_16D0&PID_0A38:
      172       GUID= {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}
      172       Details: Btns=2, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R4096,U0,V0,X4096,Y4096,Z0
      172 Product= JetMAX 737 Throttle
      172    Manufacturer= TEKWorx Limited
      172    Serial Number= 000001AC
      172    Vendor=1FD1, Product=0600 (Version 1.2)
      172    GUIDs returned for product: VID_1FD1&PID_0600:
      172       GUID= {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}
      172       Details: Btns=9, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R860,U874,V849,X0,Y0,Z716
      172 Product= 737YOKE-LE by ACE
      172    Manufacturer= ACE
      172    Vendor=16C0, Product=2786 (Version 1.35)
      172    GUIDs returned for product: VID_16C0&PID_2786:
      172       GUID= {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}
      172       Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X3360,Y2855,Z0
      172 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      172 Device acquired for use:
      172    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      172    0=MFG Crosswind V2
      172    0.GUID={2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}
      172 Device acquired for use:
      172    Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay)
      172    2=JetMAX 737 Throttle
      172    2.GUID={2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}
      172 Device acquired for use:
      172    Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay)
      172    1=737YOKE-LE by ACE
      172    1.GUID={2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}
      172 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      187 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      187 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      187 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      187 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay
     6047 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4", Version: (SimConnect:
     6047 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     6047 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     6047 ... Using Prepar3D with Professional License
     6093 \\FLTSIM\chris\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\Thomson 737-800 EMA.fxml
     6093 \\FLTSIM\F\P3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\Sim-Avionics 737-800 Winglets\B737-800.air
   857859 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ...
   867828 === DLLStop called ...
   867828 === Closing external processes we started ...
   868828 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ...
   868984 === Closing global Lua thread
   870000 === About to kill my timers ...
   870187 === Restoring window procs ...
   870187 === Unloading libraries ...
   870187 === stopping other threads ...
   870187 === ... Button scanning ...
   870297 === ... Axis scanning ...
   870390 === Releasing joystick devices ...
   870390 === Freeing macro memory
   870390 === Removing any offset overrides
   870390 === Clearing any displays left
   870390 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ...
   870390 === AI slots deleted!
   870390 === Freeing button memory ...
   870390 === Closing my Windows ...
   870390 === Freeing FS libraries ...
   871390 === Closing devices ...
   871390 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ...
   871390 System time = 05/07/2018 15:23:33
   871390 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 32768.0 fps, Maximum was 0.0 fps
Maximum AI traffic for session was 0 aircraft
Memory managed: 3 Allocs, 3 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

FSUIPC Joyscan:

Good?  flags  VID  PID  Name  INIid  REGid  RegEntry  INIguid  REGguid  HIDguid  ValsOK?  ReadsOk?
       HIDscanning completed              
N  x00  x16D0  x0A38   -1 -1 0  {NULL}  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  Y  N
N  x00  x1FD1  x0600   -1 -1 0  {NULL}  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  Y  N
N  x00  x16C0  x2786   -1 -1 0  {NULL}  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  Y  N
       REGscanning completed              
N  x00  x16D0  x0A38  MFG Crosswind V2 -1 0 0  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  Y  Y
N  x00  x1FD1  x0600  JetMAX 737 Throttle -1 2 0  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  Y  Y
N  x00  x16C0  x2786  737YOKE-LE by ACE -1 1 0  {NULL}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  Y  Y
       User settings imported              
N  x00  x16D0  x0A38  MFG Crosswind V2 0 0 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  Y  Y
N  x00  x1FD1  x0600  JetMAX 737 Throttle 2 2 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  Y  Y
N  x00  x16C0  x2786  737YOKE-LE by ACE 1 1 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  Y  Y
       Values matched and decided              
Y  x1E  x16D0  x0A38  MFG Crosswind V2 0 0 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8004-444553540000}  Y  Y
Y  x1E  x1FD1  x0600  JetMAX 737 Throttle 2 2 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8006-444553540000}  Y  Y
Y  x1E  x16C0  x2786  737YOKE-LE by ACE 1 1 0  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  {2D3D6620-1C9A-11E8-8005-444553540000}  Y  Y



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7 hours ago, Banananav said:

I have just done a vanilla update of P3D to V4.3 and installed FSUIPC 5.124.

You should be on FSUIPC 5.132 with P3D 4.3. And there's an update for that too, 5.132b in the Download Links subforum.

7 hours ago, Banananav said:

Started setting up buttons and axes in FSUIPC, using settings from Sim-avionics which worked perfectly with 4.2 & 5.124.

Why on Earth didn't you simply leave the Settings alone? There's no need ever to delete settings. If they work, leave them alone. updating FSUIPC won't touch them.

7 hours ago, Banananav said:

Using Sim-avionics B738 (latest version)

Doesn't that deal with most things. You say:

7 hours ago, Banananav said:

Parking brake recognised correctly by FSUIPC and set up - but had no effect.
Same with both Fuel Valves.

So doesn't Sim-Avionics come in here?

7 hours ago, Banananav said:

Log & Joyscan copied below.

Next time, please attach joyscan files rather than paste them. It completely ruins the foramt and makes them pretty much unreadable.

The log shows nothing wrong.

Please update FSUIPC before posting again.




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4 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

Please update FSUIPC before posting again.

Ah, I have been pointed to your Log title which does say 5.132, not 5.124 as you thought. so at least you are up to date.

And from what I can make out from the CSV file despite its odd formatting, all three devices are acting correctly and being dealt with by FSUIPC normally.

So, you need to try things:
1. without Sim-Avionics, and
2. with a default aircraft, not the Sim-Avionics 738 you have loaded there.

Also, rather than remove "all P3d buttons and axis assignments, from all three controllers, normal & slew.", simply disable controllers in P3D. You can leave all assignments intact there. It is more important to disable the controllers.

Finally, the FSUIPC assignments are relevant, so please post your FSUIPC5.INI file. it will probably be more elevant that the Log file.



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