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Throttle Calibration Aerosoft A318, A319 Prof

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I am attempting to calibrate my CH throttles in the Aerosoft 318, 319 Professional, with FSUIPC.

I have successfully created the Axis with ‘Throttle 1 etc’ and ‘Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration’.  I have not calibrated but can see the numbers incrementing for both throttles in the ‘Joystick Calibration’ tab on the “separate throttles per engine’ page.

While this setup is manageable, I would like to calibrate for reverse thrust. Is this possible?


Any assistance would be appreciated.



Jock McIntyre

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4 hours ago, Jocko said:

have successfully created the Axis with ‘Throttle 1 etc’ and ‘Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration’.  I have not calibrated but can see the numbers incrementing for both throttles in the ‘Joystick Calibration’ tab on the “separate throttles per engine’ page.

While this setup is manageable, I would like to calibrate for reverse thrust. Is this possible?

Sounds like you have "no reverse zone" set on the 4 throttles page. Uncheck it so that the minimum values calibrated with give full reverse, Re-calibrate to get a central idle zone.

Best way to do these things is to follow the actual instructions in the User Guide. See the Calibration section in that PDF.



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Pete.  Thank you for your response.

I do not have the 'No Reverse Zone' ticked in 4 throttles page.

However, I notice in the Users Manual under Joystick Calibration, there is a box 'IMPORTANT: Throttles for Wilco Airbus users (and possibly other Airbus add-ons)'.  I guess the Aerosoft Airbus could well fall into the description in the brackets.

Understand what I need to do in the .ini file and change to 'Send to FS' and select 'Axis_Throttlen_Set' etc and calibrate.  The fact is with 'Send to FSUIPC' and NOT calibrating, the throttles are fine.

So it comes back to the question (given that the AS Airbus falls into the 'Throttles for Wilco Airbus users (and possibly other Airbus add-ons))' category, can I somehow configure reverse thrust on these throttles using FSUIPC?

Thanks again for your attention, Pete.


Jock McIntyre

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7 hours ago, Jocko said:

So it comes back to the question (given that the AS Airbus falls into the 'Throttles for Wilco Airbus users (and possibly other Airbus add-ons))' category, can I somehow configure reverse thrust on these throttles using FSUIPC?

The calibration without "no reverse zone" selected results in FSUIPC sending "THROTTLEn SET" controls (older, fS98 style controls) instead of the AXIS ... controls. The latter do not have a reverse range: -16384 is idle and the whole range to +16383 is forward thrust.

The THROTTLEn SET controls have idle at 0 and the forward thrust values are all positive. The negative ones are reverse -- not right down to -16384 normally. The limit is set in the Aircraft.CFG file, and is often something like 0.25 (25%), so -4096 would be full reverse thrust.

Most aircraft which read the throttle values themselves (like PMDG) do not work well with FSUIPC calibrations because they affect the engine at a different time, and the calibration may result in a different value being used in any case making them appear to jerk. With PMDG aircraft the Axis controls would need assigning, and not calibrated. the way to get reverse then is to send THROTTLE DECR controls (like pressing the F2 key) when the throttles are cut to idle. With Saitek throttles the button pressed when you pull the throttle ever right back can do that.

I really don't know what the Aerosoft Airbus does, but other users of that aircraft must know what to do. Have you searched this forum, and the User Contributions subforum?

There are separate Reverser controls assignable in FSUIPC "direct to calibration", but they use THROTTLEn SET with negative values, the same as FSUIPC calibration with reverse does for the Throttles themselves. So i don't suppose they'd help.

I don't know of any other way to have a reverse range than using THROTTLEn SET, so if that doesn't work you might be stuck with the "F2" method.



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