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747 mouse macros

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Hi Pete I have built a 747-400 throttle quadrant,and would like to make the fuel switches work for the PMDG 747-400 v3 for the steam version FSX ,I have tried making mouse macros , I get the green bar notification at the top, name it but it does not work on the tab button ,then the green bar disappears , please can you advise what I can do. I did have it all working on pmdg 747-400 v2.

Regards Steve

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22 minutes ago, jumbly74speedy said:

I have built a 747-400 throttle quadrant,and would like to make the fuel switches work for the PMDG 747-400 v3 for the steam version FSX ,I have tried making mouse macros , I get the green bar notification at the top, name it but it does not work on the tab button ,then the green bar disappears , please can you advise what I can do. I did have it all working on pmdg 747-400 v2

The only thing which would have changed between v2 and v3 is the number after the RX in the macro. Try making the macro again, and note the value is shows. then you can edit your v2 macro.

Not sure what you mean "the green bar disappears"? It should await either an ESCape press or an ENTER -- unless you moved the mouse, in which case it may have moved over another switch.



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Hi Pete I have had anther go at making a macro, I have noticed when if I put the curser over some area,s on the virtual cockpit,after pressing the create macro button ,I get the green band at the top of the screen,flashing the text red and white,  only on some switches not the fuel switches ,so I can,t name the macro ,also not sure what you mean edit the v2 macro     

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50 minutes ago, jumbly74speedy said:

I have had anther go at making a macro, I have noticed when if I put the curser over some area,s on the virtual cockpit,after pressing the create macro button ,I get the green band at the top of the screen,flashing the text red and white

When you say "green band" do you mean a display window with several lines, as illustrated in the User Guide?

The changes from Green to Red and reverse are done to indicate that the mouse action of its operation has changed, it has effectively selected a different function.

Can you show me the FSUIPC4.LOG from an attempt which produces this result?  Set the Button/Key logging option in the Logging tab first.

58 minutes ago, jumbly74speedy said:

also not sure what you mean edit the v2 macro  

If you can read the codes logged for the action you need (and the Log should help) then you could change the your previous equivalent working macro to use the newer code.

BUT really mouse macros are completely unnecessary for PMDG switches, as they kindly provided a complete set of controls which you can assign in FSUIPC via the <custom control> option.  Why not use those?  See the SDK fo;der for your aircraft. The controls are listed at the end of the file with type .h



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See this post for how to find the PMDG SDK, calculate the control numbers and bind them to a key/joystick button in FSUIPC:

The instructions are specifically for the 737 but the technique would be the same for the 747. Just note that the line numbers may not be the same, but you can search the text to find them.

Pete: Would you like me to post this in the FAQ section? I've seen this asked a few times recently. I'll make it a bit more generic for any PMDG aircraft.



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27 minutes ago, jumbly74speedy said:

Thanks for your replies, I have now found the custom button ,but when I put the number in the box eg 968 for fuel switch engine

968 is not a valid control number at all. Are you forgetting to add the base value?  All the PMDG custom controls are expressed in that file as a base + number. The base number is given at the top of the list I think -- look for the #define line which defines the value for it, by name.



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16 minutes ago, jumbly74speedy said:

I have found #define evt_control_stand_eng1_fuel_ctrl_switch(third_party_event_id_min+968    in the PMDG SDK  is this what you mean ,and what do I put in the custom control box ?thanks 

As it says: third_party_event_id_min+968. In other words the value  third_party_event_id_min plus 968

So just find where it says 

#define third_party_event_id_min followed by a number

then ADD that number and 968 to give you the control number.

Sorry, but if you still don't understand I really suggest you ask in the PMDG forum. it is their add-on and SDK after all. They chose to do it that way.



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