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Hi Pete, I have a mysterious phenomena with WideFS v7.151.

I start FSX and assign a button to a function , see attachment "Joy# ProblemP1". Then I start WideFS and try to assign another button, then the button ID# has changed, see attachment "Joy# ProblemP2".

What happens here and what means  "Button Thread Started" in the LOG , see attachment "WideClient.log"  ??

It runs days before. Do you need more information?

Edit: I forgot to send my WideClient.ini, see attachment.






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37 minutes ago, alihor said:

I start FSX and assign a button to a function , see attachment "Joy# ProblemP1". Then I start WideFS and try to assign another button, then the button ID# has changed, see attachment "Joy# ProblemP2".

The joystick number 1004 is the joystick with ID 4 on the PC running WideClient, the first in WideServer's list. (The button number is 16 in both cases).

Looking at the Logs, I see that you are running WideClient on the same PC as the sim (using ClassInstance=0).  So, since you still have Wideclient scanning buttons (as it is supposed to do), it sees the button and sends the press to FSUIPC, as it is supposed to do.

You can stop WideClient scanning buttons by setting "ButtonScanInterval" to 0 in its INI file.

1 hour ago, alihor said:

what means  "Button Thread Started" in the LOG

It means what it says -- the button scanning thread has been started. You changed the Log option to "Yes" which makes Wideclient log a lot more information. It defaults to "Errors+".




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