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Tower 3D EGKK tips


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Hello all,

Currently using EGKK, an airport I've been to a couple of times and sort of know the layout, and thought it would be relatively easy, quite the opposite!

I'm using the excellent Winter 2019 Custom Schedule, on full 100% traffic for realism, and it seems very tricky balancing departures and arrivals on 26L. When there's a string of arrivals the depatures are all queued up at holding points 'M' and 'A' and gets very messy. I have tried to squeeze a departure out in between but is VERY tight, somehow got one just lifting off just as one was literally touching down. The heavies slow down rather quickly and take seemingly forever to get off the damn runway so there's no chance of putting anything out as the next one is coming in. 

Go around's are out the question as it's a penalty for that, would be nice to have just a little bit more spacing for arrivals, though when there is a gap between arrivals it's a mad push everything out session, I suspect the only way around it is just to hold everything back until the arrivals are in. I did a morning session and had about 15 planes waiting to go, and two more wanting to push back of the gate but couldn't as there was too many planes queued up in the way blocking them in!


Any general tips and tricks would be appreciated!



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