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Yoke assignment

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If you want multiple assignments on a button, then you can only achieve this by manually editing the FSUIPC ini file. Please see the section entitled Button Programming in the FSUIPC Advanced User Guide, starting on p16. Alternatively, you could assign to a compound (or multi-action) macro - see Multiple actions in one macro control, p35.



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12 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

If you want multiple assignments on a button, then you can only achieve this by manually editing the FSUIPC ini file. Please see the section entitled Button Programming in the FSUIPC Advanced User Guide, starting on p16. Alternatively, you could assign to a compound (or multi-action) macro - see Multiple actions in one macro control, p35.



This is really technical for me. Could you give me a quick run down on easiest steps to accomplish this please

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Brief instructions (although you are better off reading the manuals!): Set up one control on your button. Open your FSUIPC ini in a text editor and locate that button entry and save it. Then re-assing your button to the second control (or keypress). Open your ini file again, and post the entry you saved at the end of the [Buttons] section (or your [Buttons.<profileName>] section if you are using profiles) , making sure to change the initial number of the line you posted to 1 greater than the last entry in that section.

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17 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Brief instructions (although you are better off reading the manuals!): Set up one control on your button. Open your FSUIPC ini in a text editor and locate that button entry and save it. Then re-assing your button to the second control (or keypress). Open your ini file again, and post the entry you saved at the end of the [Buttons] section (or your [Buttons.<profileName>] section if you are using profiles) , making sure to change the initial number of the line you posted to 1 greater than the last entry in that section.

Ok something like this -

line 24 is my Vpilot PTT and line 52 is UGCX soft mute


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37 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

FSUIPC only recognises my last entry

All entries will be recognised...

Your first two (highlighted) entries are on key repeat ('R'), and the third entry is on button release ('U') - do you really want these on repeat? Try changing the 'R' to a 'P'. The 2nd and 3rd entries are also sendng the same control...

Try logging 'Events (non-axis controls)' and 'Button and key operations' (from the FSUIPC Logging tab) to verify what is being sent when you press the button.


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1 minute ago, John Dowson said:

The propeller sync is a toggle - why would you want to repeat a toggle? Maybe this is ProSim related, which I do not have.

Prop sync is UGCX soft mute pete. So when i press PTT for vpilot ATC transmission it will mute UGCX and won’t send my voice

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I see FS2Crew also recommend having repeat as fast as possible if using mute on a button, so you may need to play around with the 'ButtonRepeatRate' parameter to increase the rate. You can try with the following (one at a time, to see which works best):


Or even unlimited:


Also, as you are sending this control on repeat, it makes no sense to also send it again on release, so remove entry no. 50.


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1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Ah, ok. Not familiar with UGCX, but I can see that they repurpose this control as a soft mute on a 'push-to-hold' basis, so I guess that makes sense.

Did you try logging to confirm that all your assignments are being used?

Btw, John not Pete!




above is my log. I don’t think the UGCX propeller sync is working because it will show up on the top screen of P3D in a green bar

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18 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Your log file doesn't show much, except that that you keep losing your connection, which is strange. Did you not activate the suggested logging? You need to do this so that I can see what is being sent when you activate yout button.

Maybe also post your ini file with your next log as well

Sorry haven’t had time let me do this tomorrow if i can.

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On 9/26/2019 at 5:24 PM, John Dowson said:

Your log file doesn't show much, except that that you keep losing your connection, which is strange. Did you not activate the suggested logging? You need to do this so that I can see what is being sent when you activate yout button.

Maybe also post your ini file with your next log as well

How do you activate the logging? I’m not at my PC so can’t check the manual.


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