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Unwanted PAN_VIEW

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I am using FSUIPC 5.153 (Registered) and P3D Version  For some reason the virtual cockpit view has started panning up when I load a scenario.  I don't have any button, key or axis assignments in FSUIPC as I am using ProSim 737.  All axis and button assignments have been removed from P3D.  I have attached a copy of the log window.  I have tried disconnecting yokes and keyboard without success.  Any ideas would be very welcome.  Screen capture of log console attached.

Thank you.Capture.thumb.JPG.806ab90eaa235b1cc985e9fefbe7df4f.JPG

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49 minutes ago, flatdog said:

I am using FSUIPC 5.153 (Registered) and P3D Version  For some reason the virtual cockpit view has started panning up when I load a scenario.  I don't have any button, key or axis assignments in FSUIPC as I am using ProSim 737.  All axis and button assignments have been removed from P3D.  I have attached a copy of the log window.  I have tried disconnecting yokes and keyboard without success.  Any ideas would be very welcome.  Screen capture of log console attached.

If you have no assignments in FSUIPC then FSUIPC is not doing this.  FSUIPC is simply logging what it sees occurring.

If you genuinely have no assignments in P3D either, then it is an add-on doing it, so stop all add-ons including ProSim. Do this one at a time to find which is doing it.




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