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Fsuipc - New versions and INI file.

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some time ago somebody said to me, that when i'm updating the fsuipc to new version, i have to delete before all the fsuipc files in modules directory and the same with all the new widecleint versions.

Is this right? I'm wrong? I have to delete them?

If yes, my (not real big) problem, is that i have to re-enter my custom settings for fsuipc for joystick buttons, axes, spoilers, reverses etc.

Is there any other way to do the update to don't loos all this information?


Eddie Armaos

Athens - Greece

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some time ago somebody said to me, that when i'm updating the fsuipc to new version, i have to delete before all the fsuipc files in modules directory and the same with all the new widecleint versions.

Is this right? I'm wrong? I have to delete them?

No it is not right. You do not have to delete anything. Best, in fact, to keep back-up copies of all INI files so you never lose your settings! FSUIPC makes any minor changes itself if they are needed (deleting old parameters now not applicable and adding new ones), and WideFS settings haven't needed changes for ages.

Also, if you've registered FSUIPC or WideFS or any applications manually, then save a copy of your FSUIPC.KEY file too.

All you need to do for any new version is copy in the DLL. It will overwrite the previous one. That's it, done and dusted!

If you get inot any problems and suspect any settings, by all means remove the INI file and try again, in case a parameter is responsible (unlikely), but keep a copy.



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