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ERJ 145 FMS TOC and TOD does not show


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14 minutes ago, murrayalex said:

Will this be fixed so that you don't need to do that?

If the ERJs get redone for P3D of another sim in the future this is something that can be addressed (a rare issue as 99% of FS users do a single hop and stop playing for the day - and why a post like yours comes up once every 3-4 years).

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1 hour ago, scoobflight said:

If the ERJs get redone for P3D of another sim in the future this is something that can be addressed (a rare issue as 99% of FS users do a single hop and stop playing for the day - and why a post like yours comes up once every 3-4 years).

speak for yourself there i did 6 legs today.

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