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Press button for reverser.

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i want to use a Button on my Flightstick to

1.st Press:  Throttle goes down (hold button for Reverser)
                 when release button  then hold actual throttle setting (Reverser not always to max needed)

2.nd press Throttle goes to 0 (reverser out)

its possible te realize this for one Button?

thanks, Thomas

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20 hours ago, Alti said:

i want to use a Button on my Flightstick to

1.st Press:  Throttle goes down (hold button for Reverser)
                 when release button  then hold actual throttle setting (Reverser not always to max needed)

2.nd press Throttle goes to 0 (reverser out)

its possible te realize this for one Button?

Yes, you could do it in a fairly short Lua plug-in.

There is a another way which should work, and that it to use a conditional assignment based on the throttle offset for the engine to are dealing with (or just engine 1 if you have only one throttle for all engines). This would entail editing assignment lines in the INI files [Buttons] section.

See the section in the FSUIPC Advanced Options entitled "ADDING OFFSET CONDITIONS". You'd had a confition one the repeat setting for Throttle Decrease which tests whether the throttle value is  =0 before it starts decreasing, and an entry for a non-repeating press with the condition that it is <0.



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thank you Pete,
but i give up. for me its not easy to understand this english in the document "FSUIPC for advanced users"
and for the exampes for a luascript i understand "Bahnhof";
im not an programmer.

("verstehe Bahnhof" ->So we say in german when we understand absolute nothing from)

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