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log lvars.lua and P3Dv5 HF1

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I have been unable to get the log lvars.lua script to completely work in P3Dv5 HF1.  I am using the add-ons.xlm method with FSUIPC6 and have set up an identical structure to that which I use in P3Dv4.5 HF3 where the log lvars script does work. I wondering if some change between P3Dv4.5 HF3 and P3Dv5 HF1 is causing a display problem , or if I'm doing something wrong.  When I try to run the log lvars script no window opens on the screen (although I do get a log lvars.log file).

EDIT: I have now found that if I add the instruction ipc.setdisplay(SET_PCTS, 10,10,20,20) before the existing ipc.display(disp) instruction in the log lvars.lua script I do get a scrolling lvar window display. So apparently the added instruction is triggering the display somehow (or maybe it is a positioning issue). In any case, this is not needed in P3Dv4. Are some of the window display 'rules' different in P3Cv5 HF1 compared to P3Dv4.5 HF3?



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4 hours ago, ark1320 said:

Are some of the window display 'rules' different in P3Cv5 HF1 compared to P3Dv4.5 HF3?

No, but each simulator has its own default positions for the SimConnect windows.

The windows are also suppressed (or possibly just hidden) by the "Message Text" option being unticked in the P3D Options -- Information section, bottom right. This is the option used 'unticked' when you are re-directing such displays to a different external display, usually via WideFS on another PC.

I've just tried the Log Lvars lua provided with the FSUIPC6 Install, and the SimConnect window it uses comes up, by default, at the top left, but not right up to the border.





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8 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

I've just tried the Log Lvars lua provided with the FSUIPC6 Install, and the SimConnect window it uses comes up, by default, at the top left, but not right up to the border.

Pete, thanks for the info.

I am using the latest version of the log lvars script and  "Message Text" is ticked.  I think the issue is there is something strange going on display-wise with P3Dv5HF1 on my system. I use the sim in window mode, and about every 11 secs or so the P3D menu bar across the top of the screen is apparently being updated for some reason because the menu labels like Options, Tools, Views, World, Navigation, etc flicker, although the aircraft display itself does not flicker. A couple of other users have reported this as well on the AVSIM P3D forum. So I suspect this updating may be interfering with the log lvars display, and using the ipc.setdisplay(SET_PCTS, 10,10,20,20) in the log lvars display loop lets the script regain control of the display window. Putting ipc.setdisplay(SET_PCTS, 10,10,20,20) outside the display loop, such as at the top of the script, does not work.

At least that's my theory for now.

I have been using FSUIPC for many years and really do appreciate the wonderful support you, and now also John, provide -- none do it better!


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1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

Have you added your report of that odd menu problem to the L-M forum? Best to add weight to it.

I must admit I'm pleased with HF1, though I did have to switch that new texture opton of to fix terrible white flashing.



I did post on the L-M forum and they reported they are aware of the problem and are working on it.

I've now determined the menu flicker rate is proportional to FPS. 

When I have FPS locked at 30 in the sim I get the flicker about every 11.6 seconds. If I lock the FPS at 60 and use a default a/c so I can get about 60 FPS on average, the menu flickers about every  5.7 seconds. If I lock the FPS at 15, the menu flickers about every 22.8 seconds.

So double the actual FPS and the flicker rate doubles; half the actual FPS and the flicker rate is half.  I have VSYNC and TB off.

As for the Enhanced Atmospherics (Beta) texture option, I also get small white flashing at times. I guess that's why it's only a Beta.


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3 hours ago, ark1320 said:

So double the actual FPS and the flicker rate doubles; half the actual FPS and the flicker rate is half.  I have VSYNC and TB off

Hmm. I'm using ViewGroups and VSync and TB, so I wonder if that's why I don't see that flicker?

Interesting though. Thanks for the feedback.



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18 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

Hmm. I'm using ViewGroups and VSync and TB, so I wonder if that's why I don't see that flicker?

I tried turning on VSync and TB but unfortunately still get the flickering. I don't use ViewGroups.


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