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Barometric standard pressure assignment

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I have assigned a number of controls to key presses using the drop-down box in FSUIPC V6-0-3, for the Majestic Q400 Dash-8, in P3DV4.5 HF3.  One of those - the BAROMETRIC_STD_PRESSURE control (66846) - does not work : when the command is executed with a barometric pressure other than 1013, the barometer does not change to 1013, which is what I would have expected.  I must have done something wrong, but what ?  All other controls assigned through drop-down box selection are working fine.  Any help much appreciated.

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First, can you update to v6.0.8 as we only support the latest versions of FSUIPC.

Could you also
    - try with a default aircraft to see if the assignment works there
    - attach your FSUIPC6.ini file so we can see your assignment
    - activate event (non axis controls) logging as well as buttons & key operations, logging from the FSUIPC logging tab, produce a log showing your issue and attach




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Thanks for your quick reply.
I have since updated to V6.0.8 before doing anything else.
I have since also assigned the BAROMETRIC_STD_PRESSURE control to a spare button on my programmable button box.
I can confirm that this control does work with the default P3D AC11 Commander 114.
In the Dash-8, a knob adjusting the barometer setting is operated by left or right clicking nearer the perimeter of the knob, and the barometer is set to STD pressure by left or right clicking in the centre of the knob.  Done with the mouse, this works fine.
I captured those three mouse clicks in a mouse macro.  When assigned to a rotary switch, the captured mouse clicks to increase or decrease the barometer setting work fine, which is one good thing.  However when looking at the macro file (attached), the mouse click in the centre looks to have produced the same command as the left click that decreases the barometer setting.  Sure enough : when assigned to a button or key press, the so-called centre click produces a decrease in barometer setting instead.
I have even zoomed in on the panel as far as I could to try & increase the accuracy of the mouse click on the centre of the knob, but to no avail.
When I assigned the KOHLSMAN_INC and KOHLSMAN_DEC controls to the rotary switch via a Lua plug-in, again no luck.

Hope you can make some sense out of this !  The FSUIPC6.ini and log files are attached, as is the DASH8.MCRO file.

Thanks a lot,


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On 6/14/2020 at 4:43 AM, Emile B. said:

I have since also assigned the BAROMETRIC_STD_PRESSURE control to a spare button on my programmable button box.
I can confirm that this control does work with the default P3D AC11 Commander 114.

I have just tried this with the AC11  and it works fine. When I press the assigned button, the barometric pressure is set to 1013.25 which is reflected by the value 16212 in offset 0330 (and I also see the altimeter change).

I see you are using LINDA. Maybe try disabling this and retest without this.

On 6/14/2020 at 4:43 AM, Emile B. said:

In the Dash-8, a knob adjusting the barometer setting is operated by left or right clicking nearer the perimeter of the knob, and the barometer is set to STD pressure by left or right clicking in the centre of the knob.  Done with the mouse, this works fine.
I captured those three mouse clicks in a mouse macro.

Your mouse actions for STD and decrement are the same (and it is the same mouse 'rectangle' for all three assignments):

If there is no separate 'rectangle' for the different positions, then you can only vary the mouse operation (the last parameter). You could try with a different code (e.g. 2 for a 'middle single click' - see P38 of the Advanced User guide for a complete list of codes). As I don't have the Dash, I can't advise further for mouse macros with that aircraft.

You should also try with the default key assignment for standard barometric pressure - 'B'. Does this work for you?

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13 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Your mouse actions for STD and decrement are the same (and it is the same mouse 'rectangle' for all three assignments):


If there is no separate 'rectangle' for the different positions, then you can only vary the mouse operation (the last parameter). You could try with a different code (e.g. 2 for a 'middle single click' - see P38 of the Advanced User guide for a complete list of codes). As I don't have the Dash, I can't advise further for mouse macros with that aircraft.

Yayyy !  I edited the DASH8.MCRO file : changed the mouse click code for the Baro_STD action from 3 into 2 and PRESTO, that's done it !  THANK YOU SO MUCH !

As I use mouse macros a bit for the Dash-8 (and there is no middle button on the mouse I use), knowing this may come in handy for other functions as well - learnt something again 👍


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