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3 hours ago, nbillo said:
On 8/26/2020 at 8:25 PM, John Dowson said:


πŸ˜‚ You're certainly not a chip off the old block are you πŸ‘

Yeah, sorry I was a bit abrupt! Just seemed a strange question.Just discussing what this involves would not only be time consuming but also a waste of time. Its not something I would even consider - maybe if I had nothing else to do and someone paid me for this....! But at the moment, with continual P3D releases and MSFS just released, there is no point even starting a discussion.

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1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Yeah, sorry I was a bit abrupt! Just seemed a strange question.Just discussing what this involves would not only be time consuming but also a waste of time. Its not something I would even consider - maybe if I had nothing else to do and someone paid me for this....! But at the moment, with continual P3D releases and MSFS just released, there is no point even starting a discussion.

Yeah, not to worry mate, I was trying to break the ice with some Brit Sarcasm 🀣 It's going to take time to evolve, but oh boy! what a sim this is going to be 😱 I'm just pleased that after 32 years of simming, I get to see something as glorious as this!! What a bright future the youngsters are going to have withΒ this wonderful hobby πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

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