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EMB175 SP2 - no PFD or Captain's MCP

Neil Hewitt

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Running P3D v5 HF2. I've done a completely clean install of the EMB 175/195 SP2. In the VC at default start (power-on), both PFDs and the CPT-side MCP are blank (just black boxes), as if the power was off. If I pop out any of these the pop-up window is also blank. 

As a test, I tried dropping in the .GAU file from SP1, but the same thing happens.

With the SP1 version (with A2A_windshield commented out of the panel def) all of these were showing normally.

Am I being stupid and missing something obvious? I've tried two clean installs (deleting all files / config etc in-between) just to check it wasn't a bad install / AV problem, and I got the same result both times. 

Speaking of A2A_windshield.dll, you mentioned in the release notes that we would have to get this from A2A directly, but didn't give a URL, and a relatively deep Google search doesn't turn up any link. It seems like the only way to get it would be to buy and download a current A2A aircraft? 

If anyone can help with either of these, it would be appreciated. I could go back to the SP1 version but I'd rather not!


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Found a workaround. When aircraft is on battery power alone, the PFD and captain's MCU are off. When I connect the GPU, they come on. Is this the behaviour in the real aircraft? Seems odd to have most of the glass displays available on battery but not the PFD or MCU. Otherwise, I guess it's a bug...

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