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Button Presses


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I know this is a WIP... however, I remember Pete discussing the possible ability to use button presses to control the camera (Alt+1, Alt+9 etc.) as a workaround.  I too would love this ability as the Control Mapping for this is still broken in MSFS.  Is this close to being implemented... atm all I get when I try and map Alt+9 is (null).

Ta- C

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14 minutes ago, cavaricooper said:

I know this is a WIP...

But it isn't....!

14 minutes ago, cavaricooper said:

however, I remember Pete discussing the possible ability to use button presses to control the camera (Alt+1, Alt+9 etc.) as a workaround.  I too would love this ability as the Control Mapping for this is still broken in MSFS.  Is this close to being implemented... atm all I get when I try and map Alt+9 is (null).

The problem is that the events to control the camera are currently not working when sent via SimConnect. Due to this, the suggested work around was to assign the camera movement events to keys in MSFS, and then assign your POV switches to those keypresses in FSUIPC. This should work, but there is nothing to implement for this in FSUIPC.

Be aware that you shouldn't assign using the ALT modifier though as this is no longer supported in MSFS.

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To follow up... all my buttons stuck in the default controls menus except for Custom Cockpit Camera 9... Alt+9, so I assigned a second command for that camera to the Tilde key, and just mapped that in FSUIPC to the button I wanted. Presto- alles gut.

Looking forward to FSUIPC’s growth, as it will represent the evolution in the SDK that all the serious aircraft developers are waiting on....

Bring on the payware version... I’m ready 🙂


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