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A2A yoke button programming need help

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Using registered FSUIPC, FSX and just purchased A2A Comanche250.  Trying to figure out how to get the autopilot buttons in the Comanche cockpit (on the AC yoke) to work with button presses on my Siatek yoke.  Created profile, have set several button  assignments both through keypress and send to FSX...but I can't figure out the commands to work the buttons.  The two buttons on the  AC yoke are labeled AP disconnect and Altitude Eng/Disengage.  They work with mouse pointer pushes...each time you push the AP dis button it cycles through the five modes of the S tec autopilot, and each press of the Altitude eng/diseng button obviously engages the alt hold or disengages. Pressing the mode select on the panel next to the HSI with the mouse pointer also cycles through the modes (except alt eng/dis). I can't find the correct FSX equivalent or anything in the FSUIPC options. I have tried setting  keypress "cnt+T", and "cnt+H",  and tried a couple FSUIPC send to FSX commands, but no luck.

Any ideas on how to set this up?  Please keep steps really simple as I am not an "advanced" user! LOL



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A2A uses custom AP coding via L:Vars. You will need to use a handmade .mcro file or .lua to get these controls to work.
Would be happy to help, a perfect morning coffee project. 😉  
Are there any other controls that you need? They would go in the same file if needed.


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Hi Charles,

as Roman has said, using L:Vars would be the best solution if such lvars are available. Especially as Roman has offered to do this for you!

Note also though that you could also simulate the mouse click in the UI to activate these functions by using the mouse macro facilities.
Please see the User guide on how to use this facility (but lvars are preferred!).



@spokes2112 And thanks for your generous offer!

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@alioth Arturo,
Wow - Very nice setup! Specially using the real instruments / avionics..  A big thank you for listing the L:Vars, saved a bunch of time. 👍

@Chucky55 Chuck,
All set and tested - attached.
Just place the .lua in the modules folder then get it running by using  [Auto] in the FSUIPC.ini. (preferably best using separate profile files & activate it there)
Start the sim and  begin assigning buttons as needed using the reference chart.

Hope this works well for you,



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