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Hello Pete, I'm running PMDG737 under FSX on a Win10 PC. I have a FDX MIP connected to a CPFlight Board which in turn is connected to a CPFlight Black Box. I have installed the latest version of FSUIPC4 (registered ver) and the BlackBox as well as CPFlight Tools (FS-COM). When I start FSX and the PMDG737 I can see FSUIPC and FS.COM in the AddOns.  I connect FS.COM. However none of the MIP instruments (eg the AutoBrakes, Gear Lever) are being recognised.

Troubleshooting performed: 

1. Checked that the 737NGX_Options.INI includes EnableDataBroadcast=1

2. Reinstalled all the modules (CPFlight Tools, CP Flight  Black Box and FSUIPC)

I've looked at the user manual to try and trouble shoot and whether I needed to do some sort of assignment (buttons and Keys) to the MIP rotaries and buttons; or to set up some kind of profile for the PMDG737. I read somewhere in your Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX Manual to do a Re-SimConnect (didn't know how to do that)

(I know I sound like a novice......I am 🙂

Can you please provide guidance. Thanks and Regards

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4 hours ago, Adooli said:

I'm running PMDG737 under FSX on a Win10 PC. I have a FDX MIP connected to a CPFlight Board which in turn is connected to a CPFlight Black Box. I have installed the latest version of FSUIPC4 (registered ver) and the BlackBox as well as CPFlight Tools (FS-COM). When I start FSX and the PMDG737 I can see FSUIPC and FS.COM in the AddOns.  I connect FS.COM. However none of the MIP instruments (eg the AutoBrakes, Gear Lever) are being recognised.

Sorry, but I've no idea what the FDX MIP is nor a CPFLight Board, or Black Box. What is "FS-COM" supposed to do?

FSUIPC only recognises Joystick-type devices. Look in Windows' Game Controllers. Does it show your MIP with buttons/switches? If not then you'd need some sort of driver. If "FS.COM" supposed to be a driver, and if so, what does it do with the inputs? Have you checked its documentation?

4 hours ago, Adooli said:

Can you please provide guidance

You'll need to get guidance on how to use your hardware and that 'FS.COM' first. I'm sorry, but I'm no help with any of that. You tell me what it does, what it actually provides or sends to FSUIPC, and I can then help with the FSUIPC part.




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