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ProsimUtils 1.8.1 SimConnect Window

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Hello Pete

May I ask you, I cannot open the GSX Window via ProsimUtils. I noticed in the prosimutils error log that the commands 
from the CDU (WideClient PC) arrive, see picture, but they are not executed on the Prepar3d v5 PC. Does it have 
something to do with Fsuipc or SimConnect?

Thanks for your feedback

Kind Regards



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1 hour ago, Metall4You said:

May I ask you, I cannot open the GSX Window via ProsimUtils.

I use PSU, but I had no idea it could send keystrokes to the Sim. I use it to get flight plan and performance data (from my PFPX + TOPCAT planning). It also drives my centre console thermal printer and, hopefully, my on-EICAS checklists (though I've not yet tried that with the ProSimV3 version of PSU).

I think your question needs directing to Humberto on the relevant ProSim subforum.



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Hello Pete

Many thanks for your Answer. Thats the Answer from Humberto:


It should be automatic. PSU is sending it via FSUIPC, so nothing else needed

if fsuipc is connected. Make sure FSUIPC is registered and P3D has the



but I can't get it to work. I sent you the FSUIPC log file. I meant the keystrokes are recognized by FSUIPC but the GSX window doesn't work, doesn't respond via the CDU. The window is called once but not after that.

Thank you for your message


Kind Regards



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9 hours ago, Metall4You said:

Thats the Answer from Humberto:


It should be automatic. PSU is sending it via FSUIPC, so nothing else needed

if fsuipc is connected. Make sure FSUIPC is registered and P3D has the



Perhaps he assumes that PSU is being run on the same PC as FSUIPC? As a test, try PSU on the P3D PC.

I use a button screen on a WideFS client with buttons to deal with GSX -- the GSX menu and its other messages gets shown on another little screen next to it in my cockpit.  The ButtonScreen uses FSUIPC's virtual buttons, and those in turn are assigned to the same control, 1070. And all that works fine with GSX.

Thanks for the Log. Looking at that I do see that you ARE running PSU on the same PC:

   250500 Run: "C:\Homecockpit 737\ProSimUtils\ProSimUtils.exe"

so there should be no problem (and I assume Humberto thinks that too -- he is bound to have tested it.

Looking through the Log I can see  an ATC menu being shown several times, apparently in response to Shift+J assigned to a button. The sequence for that is:

 [Buttons] 3=P64,0,K74,9
 SendKeyToFS(0004004A=[shft+J], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=2
 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=74 (Scan code 36), Ctr=1
 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1
 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
 KEYDOWN: VK=74, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1
 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

The corresponding KEYUP actions are logged less than 100 mSecs later.

The equivalent for the GSC menu, the Ctrl+F12 send by PSU shows:

FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=635
SendKeyToFS(0002007B=[ctl+F12], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=17 (Control) (Scan code 29), Ctr=2
Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=123 (Scan code 88), Ctr=1
KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2
.. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
KEYDOWN: VK=123, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2
.. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

So, the exact equivalent, also with the KEYUP actions less than 100 mSecs later.

But, oddly, I see

[GSX] Departure clearance requested

with no action logged to instigate that -- no Keyboard or Button used? Did you click on screen with a mouse button instead?

Then you apparently use the P3D menus for something:

   834047 KEYDOWN: VK=18, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=4
   834047 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

Keycode 18 is the ALT key.  The Sim stops and when starting again it goes through further initialisation by ASCA and Active Sky. THEN the GSX pushback menu!

Then the Ctrl+F12 sequence is pressed, but apparently not via the 1070 control (time 1019922).
In fact, after the one I list above (at time 792813) the facility to send the 1070 control does not appear at all, so it seems nothing is sending this. 
I think that needs checking by Humberto.

The only other thing I notice is that you are using an out-of-date unsupported version of FSUIPC. I think you should update and re-test.






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Pete, if I may, I would like to add my small contribution to the discussion.

I tested ProsimUtils in two cases :

  1. I try to open the GSX menu and select the option 2 in the menu (several times),
  2. I try to open the GSX menu, let it close itself after a certain amount of time (10-15s), and try to open it again (several times).

In both cases, I didn't touch the keyboard (only to exit P3D), I only triggered ProsimUtils using Firefox to send an HTTP POST request (it's the way it works with the CDU), all request has been well received by ProsimUtils and are written in log files.

You will find attached two FSUIPC6 log files :

  1. FSUIPC6_GSX_menu_and_selection.log : the log for the first case
  2. FSUIPC6_GSX_menu_only.log : the log for the second case

From my opinion, it seems that the first command is well received and processed by FSUIPC6 (the GSX menu is opened), but the second command (to select an option or to open again the GSX menu) is not received ... And, at this time, I don't know if it has been sent by ProsimUtils.

For information, you can reproduce CDU commands for GSX by opening P3D, ProsimUtils and a web browser. In the web browser, just enter the following address : http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8085/fs?command=keystroke&key=F12&shift=2 , with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : the ip address of the computer running ProsimUtils.



FSUIPC6_GSX_menu_and_selection.log FSUIPC6_GSX_menu_only.log

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16 minutes ago, Buffort said:

From my opinion, it seems that the first command is well received and processed by FSUIPC6 (the GSX menu is opened), but the second command (to select an option or to open again the GSX menu) is not received ... And, at this time, I don't know if it has been sent by ProsimUtils.

Thanks for the logs. You had IPC write logging on, so they were more useful than the OP's to pinpoint the problem.

Both logs show only one instance of the 3110 offset being used to instigate a key press action, and in both cases this was successful. The first log shows also a write to offset 3114 but no more to 3110, so the keypress action was not instigated.

If that's what PSU is doing then it is not surprising that only one keypress is being actioned. Maybe it is seeing the 3110 is still the same as it wants, so doesn't bother to write to it. Unfortunately it is the writing to 3110 which is the instigator.





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3 minutes ago, Buffort said:

Thanks, Pete, for your analysis. I will contact Humberto and direct him to our discussion. In the mean time, I will try to control GSX from my small script.

You could also test my theory by having a temporary button or key assignment in FSUIPC to reset offset 3110 to 0  (using control Offset word set with parameter of 0) after the first instance of requesting the menu or whatever. If PSU is only refraining from writing to 3110 because it looks the same then this should "fix" it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pete,

I have test to adress a Key to offset Word set as you describe and its work perfekt. Is there any way to do this automatic or must it change somerhing in the PSU?

I saw that it is corrected in the new version of PSU but i can’t use that because im on version 2.31 in Prosim.

BR Lasse 






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1 hour ago, LasseT64 said:

I have test to adress a Key to offset Word set as you describe and its work perfekt. Is there any way to do this automatic or must it change somerhing in the PSU?

I assume you are using something in the ProSim CDU to instigate GSX operations. Since all that is completely independent and invisible to FSUIPC, I don't really see how you can automate it very easily.

One  possibility I can think of it to have an FSUIPC lua plug-in which uses event.offset on offset 3110 to call a function to sleep for a little while (500 mSecs perhaps?) then sets 3110 to zero (ipc.writeUD) so that next time PSU will write it again.



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Hi Pete

Thanks for your reply. That's right. I use PSU to send keys to the program Ultra Ground Crew X. These are mostly numbers I send to make different menu choices in UGCX. Unfortunately, I am poorly versed in how lua-scipt to FSUIPC works and what you can find these plugins. Is there more information anywhere? It works perfectly with having a button to set the offset to 0.

Wishing good continuation in 2021

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