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1 hour ago, thomas747400 said:

I have deleted the [General] section of the FSUIPC.ini. file, same result, CTD.

I see you are using a Honeycomb Alpha. I have heard reports of this causing MSFS to crash  when some switches/buttons are ON, as it repeatedly sends press events.
Do you have assignments to the Alpha in MSFS (as you don't have many assignments in FSUIPC7!)?
Maybe test with either the Alpha disconnected or create a new empty profile for the Alpha and test with that.

Your log shows it was MSFS that crashed, and the FSUIPC7 exited (as you have the option 'Exit with FS' set.
You should have a crash event log in your windows event viewer. Can you please check?
If so, its worth raising a bug report with Asobo via zendesk, and include the crash event report.


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12 minutes ago, karlo922 said:

there currently seems to be a bug with SimConnect. I (and others) reported to MSFS Support and they replied that they are aware of CTDs with SimConnect and are looking into it. See also here https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/little-nav-map-problem-since-dec-22-update/340065/29?u=volt580

Yes, that does seem to be the issue that @thomas747400 is experiencing. Thanks for the link,


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