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Pete or John-

HAPPY 2021!

Lately (perhaps coinciding with the latest Sim update) I have been unable to tune my instruments (especially HSI/VOR CRS knob) in one degree increments.  It seems to default to 10. It's driving me absolutely batty!  I've checked my mouse settings and they are all set to 1 click not 3. Is there a solution I'm overlooking? 

To add to the head scratching- on the ground I can tune 1 degree at a time.. but not airborne.  Baffled.

I remember some sort of setting for something similar in FSUIPC for FSX or before... is there capacity for fixing this, or is there something simple I'm being a Git about?

Ta- C

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@cavaricooper So you have a Honeycomb Alpha? Yes, there are known issues with the Alpha and the heading bug increment due to the continually firing buttons/switches, but people are using FSUIPC to get around this, so if using FSUIPC you should be ok.
Or do you still have assignments to the alpha in MSFS? If so, maybe remove those.

As I said, there are several posts on this topic already (but probably hard to find) - check the FSUIPC7/MSFS sub-forum.



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