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Aerosoft Airbus Pro / Panel Buttons

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I hope you are all well and staying safe during these very troubling times.

I tried searching but didn't see what I was looking for and I am hoping someone can help me. I am a complete novice when it comes to the home cockpit thing so please bear with me! I have:


P3D v5.1

Aerosoft Airbus Pro Bundle

I have purchased from CockpitPHD a 6 button panel which has the buttons LS, AP1, AP2, A/TH, APPR, LOC and I want to use it with the busses. I am reliably informed that I need FSUIPC v6 which I purchased and that the buttons need linking to "LVAR's" which I understand to be the Aerosoft button configurations.


The inevitable question is this: how do I set this up?! I am not sure where to find the LVAR's and the guides I have found focus on general settings or on joysticks and throttles (I have the TM TCA kit on order IF it ever ships!) but very little when it comes to panels and the busses.


Any advice/support etc is gratefully received to help me immerse myself in my love of flight simming more!

Best wishes


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2 hours ago, Neilh1983 said:

The inevitable question is this: how do I set this up?

This is a very general question that depends on many things (e.g. your devices!)  that I can't really answer - its up to you! I suggest you check the Aerosoft forums, as there are many posts there on how to use/configure the Airbuses with FSUIPC...

If you have any specific questions then I can look into it, but you really need to do the initial work yourself - I don't own or use those add-on aircraft.


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You should look for LINDA, which provides out-of-the box functionality for most buttons. If you are an advanced programmer, you can check the coding of LINDA for the relevant mapping of buttons to LVars. A list of all LVars can be produced via the LUA sample code provided with FSUIPC. I enclosed the list for your reference.

Here you find a small function toggling the APPR button:

function APPRToggle (joynum, button, downup)		-- toggle APPR
	ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_AP_LOC2", 1 - ipc.readLvar("L:AB_AP_LOC2") )
	ipc.writeLvar("SmallOverheadPushButtons", 1)



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