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Tested some more offsets (7.0.7, offset status 0.16)


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I can confirm that the following offsets work correctly in FSUIPC 7.0.7, MSFS

0x0BEC gear center position
0x0BF0 gear right position
0x0BF4 gear left position
0x0B46 transponder mode
0x0354 transponder code
0x034C ADF frequency main
0x0356 ADF frequency extension
0x311E NAV1 standby frequency
0x0350 NAV1 active frequency
0x3120 NAV2 standby frequency
0x0352 NAV2 active frequency

0x3122 radio audio, although the documentation in offsetStatus-v016.odt is a bit confusing. The Offset Status pdf is accurate. Furthermore, there is a noticable delay between in-game toggle and this offset change (about 0.75 seconds which is noticable when you click a button and the light does not come on immediately)



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1 hour ago, Djeez said:

I can confirm that the following offsets work correctly in FSUIPC 7.0.7, MSFS

Ok, thanks - I'll update the spread-sheet with this info. But, as I said in another post, please update to 7.0.8!

1 hour ago, Djeez said:

0x3122 radio audio, although the documentation in offsetStatus-v016.odt is a bit confusing. The Offset Status pdf is accurate. 

Ok, I'll check this. But the documents really need to be used together. At some point, I will revise and merge into one document....when I get time....!

1 hour ago, Djeez said:

Furthermore, there is a noticable delay between in-game toggle and this offset change (about 0.75 seconds which is noticable when you click a button and the light does not come on immediately)

Ok. Not sure of the update frequency on that offset. If its an issue, I can maybe increase the frequency, but if its not an issue (as its not something that needs to be immediate really....) probably best to leave it as-is.

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20 minutes ago, kaha said:

I can read but not write 

0x0354 transponder code

It works for me in 7.0.8. Make sure you have the most recent version of FSUIPC because I remember there was a problem with earlier versions and ensure you write in BCD.


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