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Cannot map Axis, Key Press and Button&Switches of my X55 throttle

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Strange issue... I own FSUIPC 5.157 registered version used in P3D v4.5. I own Saitek controllers X55 stick and throttle.

I want to assign some command to my throttle buttons but none of them is recognized while I press them. The assignment of axis is not recognized.

I checked if the connection is correct and the calibration of the throttle is OK for both engines. I also checked if button are recognized from the stick and all buttons are OK...

Could you help me solving this?

Thanks in advance


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Hi Bruno,

so basically your throttle is being recognised by FSUIPC5, neither your buttons or axis?
Could you show me/attach your FSUIPC5.ini, FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.Joyscan.csv files please.
Also, if you have installed any Saitek software or drivers, best to remove/uninstall those and use the windows default drivers.


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