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Cant read or write feature.


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I have VPC Stick MT-50CM2

VID: 3344PID:4130

Trying com.readfeature or com.writefeature but no luck.

I'm trying to capture USB port data, but FSUIPC nothing to get or send to USB device.

Vendor = 0x3344
Product = 0x4130
Device = 0
Report = 0
Pollrate = 25

dev, rd, wrf, wr, init = com.openhid(Vendor, Product, Device, Report)

if dev == 0 then
  ipc.log("Could not open HID")


dev = ipc.get("dev")
wrf = ipc.get("wrf")

gt, n = com.readfeature(dev, wrf)
if n ~= 0 then
  ipc.log("Error getting Features")

str = "0265010000B900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F0"
out = str:gsub('%x%x',function(c)return c.char(tonumber(c,16))end)

i = com.writefeature(dev, out, wrf)


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I think the second argument to the com.readfeature call should be the report number, so try

gt, n = com.readfeature(dev, Report)

Maybe also try setting Report to 1 (which is the default), rather than 0, in your init section (of 0 does not work).

6 hours ago, Mugz said:

Changed Device to 1 (not sure why, i have only one device),

I'm not sure why this should be if you only have one of those devices....

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7 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

I'm not sure why this should be if you only have one of those devices....

Yes. It's strange for me also. When i use Device = 0, i got wrf = 0, with device = 1 i have wrf = something like 192. No other device with same name or VID/PID exist.


8 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Maybe also try setting Report to 1 (which is the default), rather than 0, in your init section (of 0 does not work).

I contact with device vendor, and he told me what this functionality is not implemented


So, based on all the actions, it remains to understand how Device works

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8 minutes ago, Mugz said:

I contact with device vendor, and he told me what this functionality is not implemented

Ah, ok.

9 minutes ago, Mugz said:

So, based on all the actions, it remains to understand how Device works

I don't know why this is and cannot really look into it as I don't have such a device. Could it be that it has multiple registry entries (just a thought)? Anyway, if it works with device 1, just use that.

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3 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

I don't know why this is and cannot really look into it as I don't have such a device. Could it be that it has multiple registry entries (just a thought)? Anyway, if it works with device 1, just use that.

How i can check this? Can you give me a patch in registry to check and find Device number?

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51 minutes ago, Mugz said:

How i can check this? Can you give me a patch in registry to check and find Device number?

You could disconnect your device and just remove the registry entries for that device anyway, reboot and re-connect to get them added again.
Take a backup of your registry first, and then save the following text in a .reg file (e.g. removeVPCStick.reg) and then execute by double-clicking:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





As I said, I'm not sure if this is the issue or will help, but worth a try. Otherwise, just continue to use device 1, thats not really an issue.

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5 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Otherwise, just continue to use device 1, thats not really an issue.

Yes. Indeed it's not issue, but is very hard do diagnose other issue, why it is not working 😃

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It's possible implement for future not use Device number. just VID and PID and if system exist two same device - send control all of them? Just like option.


Device = -1 # Use both device with same VID/PID

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5 hours ago, John Dowson said:

As I said, I'm not sure if this is the issue or will help, but worth a try.

So, i deleted all registry, and reconnect device. All VPC device created new keys with two number. 0 and 1. Seems it's by design. Anyway thanks for your help


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13 hours ago, Mugz said:

It's possible implement for future not use Device number. just VID and PID and if system exist two same device - send control all of them? Just like option.


Device = -1 # Use both device with same VID/PID

I don't see much point in this, sorry.

13 hours ago, Mugz said:

All VPC device created new keys with two number. 0 and 1. Seems it's by design.

Yes, I think so. And I don't see this as an issue.

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