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HI All,


  Upgraded p3d to 5.2 and 6.1.2 for fsuipc.  Hooked up my honeycomb alpha and fsuipc loads the profile and recognizes the aircraft but its blank, none of the key assignments are coming up.  If I try to reset a key assignment, it doesn't keep it and goes back to being blank.  Attached is my .ini.  I have been using the same aircraft as before.


8 hours ago, shant592 said:

  Upgraded p3d to 5.2 and 6.1.2 for fsuipc.  Hooked up my honeycomb alpha and fsuipc loads the profile and recognizes the aircraft but its blank, none of the key assignments are coming up. 

Your joystick IDs have probably changed. You aren't using Joy Letters (you should do). Also, look at the [JoyNames] in your INI file:

2=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
4=Alpha Flight Controls
1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
1.WARNING=This joystick was ID 2, but was duplicated: review and fix assignments, reload settings
2.WARNING=This joystick was ID 3, but was duplicated: review and fix assignments, reload settings


You have a registry problems with both the Throttle Quadrant and the Rudder Pedals. 

You have lots of button assignments to device 1, which is now your Rudders -- seems unlikely that it has so many buttons. 

You have assignments to axes and buttons on a now non-existent device 0.

If you have your previous INI file, from when the assignments were correct, then it would be easy to simple change the numbers assigned in your [joyNames] section. You should be able to figure it out yourself. But the duplicate device 2 and 3 IDs are worrying. You might need to try some registry tidying up first.

And when it is sorted at the AutoAssignLetters parameter to 'Yes', so FSUIPC can keep track in future.




Thanks Pete,


  Could this be due to the fact that I interchange my honeycomb and thrustmaster devices using the same ports?  How would I go about cleaning up my controllers in my registry, are there specific values to look for?

52 minutes ago, shant592 said:

Could this be due to the fact that I interchange my honeycomb and thrustmaster devices using the same ports?

That would certainly lead to a bit of a mess in the registry, but it might be manageable with care.

52 minutes ago, shant592 said:

How would I go about cleaning up my controllers in my registry, are there specific values to look for?

You might first try uninstalling both devices completely, including all software associated with them. Ensure there are no entries for them in the windows Device Manager. then re-boot the PC.

If the registry is in a more serious mess John can help with Registry editing. It would need more logging first.



12 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

You might first try uninstalling both devices completely, including all software associated with them. Ensure there are no entries for them in the windows Device Manager. then re-boot the PC.

Do this as Pete suggested. Then start P3D/FSUIPC, load an aircraft, then exit, and show me your FSUIPC6.ini, FSUIPC6.log and FSUIPC6.Joyscan.csv  files.

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