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Airport Einstellungen / Long / Short / On Runway

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Hallo, ich bin ganz neu dabei nun mit dem Fsuipc Client und komme noch nicht ganz zurecht.


Ich möchte mir eine kleine Instructor Station bauen und folgendes einfügen :


Buttons mit Long / Short und On Runway Buttons d.h. Ich stelle ein Airport ein evtl Runway und wähle dann aus wie viel Knoten ich anfliegen möchte und wie weit weg das ganze sein soll der Anflug . Sprich : 11nM / 180kts


wie kann ich das verwirklichen ? Oder gibt es dafür gute Examples ? Ich möchte kein C&P es wäre schön wie man diesen ansatz macht um dann Später es auszubauen.

(Bin auch leider noch neu mit VB.net)

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First, you posted in the forum for Paul Henty's  .net/c# client. If you are using VB.net, you should use the main support forum. I will move your post.

Also, it is not clear to me what you want to achieve. Do you want to set-up the initial flight conditions via FSUIPC? You can do this by setting the required information to the relevant offsets. You will need to look at the FSUIPC Offset status document to work out which offsets you need to set to achieve what you require.
There may also be other software available that does this sort of thing that you could take a look at. There is FSFlyingSchool (https://www.fsflyingschool.com/) and FS Flight Control (https://www.fs-flightcontrol.com/en/) that does this type of thing (and more). It will be quite a large task to write something similar from scratch.

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Hi Markus,

If you're using my .NET Client DLL then please download the Example Code Application from the website (A VB.NET Version is available):


There are helper classes in the DLL that can assist you with repositioning the aircraft and calculating Longitude/Latitude points.

This examples for these are in the section called "Lon/Lat Helper Classes".

You will also need to know the locations of airports and runway headings etc. If you don't have your own database for this the DLL has an Airport Database facility. Examples are in the section called "Airport\Runways Database". 


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