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WideFS autostart

Klaus Troemer

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Hallo and thank you for reading!


I use the latest version of FSUIPC for MSFS and i have a little issue with starting WideFs server.

In the config file of FSUIPC i can see the entry WideFSenabled=yes but i still have to manually enable it.

I have already tried to delete the config file and and checked the new created one but it is still the same.

Then i set the value to "No" and then "Yes" again but it will not start automatically.

FSUIPC is running with Administrator rights.


Any ideas?


With kind regards



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19 minutes ago, Klaus Troemer said:

FSUIPC is running with Administrator rights.

Why are you running FSUIPC7 with administration rights? That is not necessary and shouldn't be needed.

Where have you installed FSUIPC7? Make sure that it is not installed in a Windows protected folder, such as Program Files

19 minutes ago, Klaus Troemer said:

In the config file of FSUIPC i can see the entry WideFSenabled=yes but i still have to manually enable it.

Can you start MSFS (and also FSUIPC7 if not auto-started), let it load, select and aircraft and get ready-to-fly, and then exit, and show me your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files.



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  • 9 months later...


I'm trying FSUIPC7 with the trial license and I have the same issue.

In the FSUIPC7.ini file, I have the WideFSenabled=yes, but I need to enable it every time I start the program. It looks like is not reading the ini settings. 

Another problem that I'm facing is the WideFS starting. With MSFS up and running, I start FSUIPC7 for the first time, enable WideFS and see the message (with WideServer) in the title of MSFS, great. But if I close and reopen FSUIPC again, it never connects. Need to Disconnect FSUIPC, enable WideFS and then connect option again.

But the most important now is to enable WideFS automatically.

I'm testing without autostart.

Anyone with this behavior?





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3 hours ago, DLuis said:

In the FSUIPC7.ini file, I have the WideFSenabled=yes, but I need to enable it every time I start the program. It looks like is not reading the ini settings. 

This sounds like you have installed FSUIPC7 into a windows-protected folder, such as under Documents or Program Files. If that is the case, re-run the installer and select a different non windows-protected installation folder.

3 hours ago, DLuis said:

Another problem that I'm facing is the WideFS starting. With MSFS up and running, I start FSUIPC7 for the first time, enable WideFS and see the message (with WideServer) in the title of MSFS, great. But if I close and reopen FSUIPC again, it never connects. Need to Disconnect FSUIPC, enable WideFS and then connect option again.

Did you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly? The WideServer interface is only started once ready-to-fly. However, when FSUIPC7 is started with MSFS (or while MSFS is loading), it receives many different events, some indicating 'ready-to-fly', and so the WideServer interface is started prematurely (i.e. when MSFS is still loading or in the menu system). This is not an issue (and something I can't do anything about),it is on;y a problem if the WideServer interface isn't running once you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly. So, if you start FSUIPC7 when MSFS is already running and in the menu system, the WideServer interface may not be started, but will be enabled. The interface will start once you have an aircraft loaded and are ready-to-fly.

For any further issues or questions, please attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files (and maybe your InstallFSUIPC7.log file as well).



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Hi John,


The installation is in D:\FSUIPC.

I've tried with disabled firewall, defender and same result.  

In the situation that the aircraft is ready-fly, WidedFS connects correctly. My problem is just every time that I start FSUIPC, I need to enable the server. Can you just confirm, that starting the FSUIPC, with or without MSFS, you don't need to enable everytime?


Not sending the logs because this is not blocking, so don't loose time on this one. Just confirm that it should not be necessary to enable  WidedFS every time I start the program an this should be automatically, or not.

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11 hours ago, DLuis said:

Can you just confirm, that starting the FSUIPC, with or without MSFS, you don't need to enable everytime?

No, you should only need to enable WideFS just the once. This setting should then be saved to your FSUIPC7.in. However, I have just checked this and it does seem that this setting can sometimes get reverted. Noy sure why this is happening all of a sudden - #i will check this and get back to you.



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Hi John,


So I'm not alone with this one 😁

In my case, it's all the time. I open FSUIPC7, Enable WideFS, Close FSUIPC7. In the .ini file I have WideFSenabled=yes. Open again and the option is again, Enable.

Maybe I'm 100% unlucky all the time 😄


I will wait for your feedback and thanks for the attention.

Like I said, it's not blocking. I just wanted to know if it's by design or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/22/2022 at 10:13 AM, John Dowson said:

This has been released in the latest FSUIPC7 beta, v 7.3.8b, available from:


Hi John,


Sorry for my late feedback, but I confirm, this is fixed in this beta version.

I also was struggling to enable at first time, I need to try 2 or 3 times until Wide Server starts, but now, I only start FSUIPC7 and everything is working just fine.


Thanks a lot John, this was the only bug that I found so far and now is fixed 🙂 

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