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Auto Start FSUIPC7.exe not working (in windows 11) [FIX]


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Hi John,


What file is suppose to autostart FSUIPC7.exe, the .bat file shortcut on the desktop or the exe.xml in location "AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache" ?


My .bat file has this line commented out.

:: start FSUIPC7
:: start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"

I have done a clean fresh install from the installer but the line remains like that.

In location "AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache"

I see an backed up exe.xml file  (exe_backup.xml) and when I open it with notepad it has this information inside.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"><Descr>Launch</Descr><Filename>EXE.xml</Filename><Disabled>False</Disabled><Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad><Launch.Addon><Disabled>False</Disabled><ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad><Name>FSUIPC7</Name><Path>C:\Users\janni\Documents\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe</Path><CommandLine>-auto</CommandLine><NewConsole>False</NewConsole></Launch.Addon></SimBase.Document>


the exe.xml file in same location only has honeycomb information.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>


If I change the line to look like this, then FSUIPC7.exe starts when I run the desktop MSFS (fsuipc7 .bat) file

:: start FSUIPC7
start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"


So not sure if the .bat or exe.xml should trigger to start FSUIPC7.exe

Multiple reinstallation of FSUIPC7 from the installer, did not fix the issue, and only after the manual edit, did FSUIPC7.exe automatically executed to the systray after pressing the desktop fast startup .bat shortcut.


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FSUIPC7 should be started via the EXE.xml, not from the .bat script. The lines that start from the .bat script were the initial method of starting FSUIPC&, before the EXE.xml file was working in MSFS.

The problem is that the AFCBridge installer corrupts the EXE.xml file. Please do the following:
  - Remove (or rename) your EXE.xml file.
  - re-run the FSUIPC7 installer. This will first uninstall and then re-install FSUIPC7 with a correct EXE.xml file
  - open the EXE.xml file in an editor, and add back-in the Launch.Addon section. You should end up with a EXE.xml file looking something like this (although the path to your FSUIPC7.exe will probably be different):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">

Note that the FSUIPC7 section is added without any spaces or line-breaks. This isn't an issue.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/9/2021 at 8:38 AM, John Dowson said:

@NomadRider Did you update your EXE.xml as indicated, making sure that you are using the correct Path?
And why are you posting in multiple threads for the same issue? Please stick to one thread. I will lock the other one.


Yes I did John.  I am not posting this question in multiple threads.  I am asking jannier if his ACF_Bridge is working now.  I didn't ask him that in the other post as he wasn't involved in the other conversation between you and me.


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Hi John,

Never had an issue with ACF_Bridge starting. It was my FSUIPC.exe not starting.

But since making the correction both items are starting again automatically. No more intervention needed from me. 

Ones the broken format of the exe.xml was corrected, the only other thing is the correct paths to where the .exe's are.


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4 hours ago, NomadRider said:

I am not posting this question in multiple threads.  I am asking jannier if his ACF_Bridge is working now.  I didn't ask him that in the other post as he wasn't involved in the other conversation between you and me.

Did you actually try the solution before posting again? If not, you should have done, and reported problems (in your initial thread) if you had issues.
And I also use AFC_Bridge.

I am just trying to reduce the number of posts, especially for know issues with known solutions, that are documented as well as having plenty of support questions on the topic. I am finding that I cannot get any new features implemented in FSUIPC7 (and FSUIPC6) at the moment due to number of support requests (and MSFS/P3D updates), most of which are either already addressed in the provided documentation, or have been reported before.

I'm sorry but it does get annoying responding to the same questions again and again, when I could be doing something more useful.

I am locking this topic now, as I really have nothing more to add to this issue. I will update the documentation to make the solution to this issue clearer...



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