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FSUIPC7 and Honeycomb Bravo quadrant

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Good morning. I recently purchased MSFS 2020, Aeorsoft's CRJ for MSFS and FSUIPC7. I have had no success in setting up the Bravo buttons and switches via FSUIPC7. FSUIPC7 will take the assignment of a control to a switch or button, but the switch or button will not activate the respective control in the CRJ.  I have read forum content and made some changes to the .ini file as suggested but no change.

A copy of the .ini file is attached.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.




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18 hours ago, Bigmarty said:

I have had no success in setting up the Bravo buttons and switches via FSUIPC7.

None at all - don't any of your assignments work for the CRJ?

The first thing to try is to activate the function that you want to assign in the UI, with Event logging activated in FSUIPC7 (and also open the logging console). You can then, hopefully, see what control the aircraft is using and assign to that. Otherwise, you will have to look into the available lvars and hvars (or calculator code), and use those.

I good resource to see what is available is the MobiFlight Hubhop site: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/#/list

I cannot help you assign all your functions, but I could maybe help to get one or two working for you, and then you can try the rest yourself.

I do have the CRJ, although its not a plane I fly or am familiar with, so I can take a look, maybe later but probably tomorrow now.



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By the way, you have two [Auto] sections:


1=Lua Rotaries

1=Lua hidBravoButtons

This will cause issues - maybe the Rotaries.lua isn't running because of this duplication. And you don't need the  hidBravoButtons.lua script any more - all buttons are now handled natively. So, remove that 2nd [Auto] section (and the hidBravoButtons.lua script) and try again.


P.S. You also have two [LuaFiles] sections. Did you create these manually? You should never touch these sections, they are managed by FSUIPC.
Please also delete this:



And please do not manually change this section.

I suggest you read the User manuals.

Edited by John Dowson
PS added
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John, thank you very much. I appreciate your help. I have made the changes and you have given me some good ideas to help me move forward. I will carry on and report later so you can put this aside for now.

I do actually read the manual but admit that I find the manual a bit difficult to follow at times.   But I will study it further now that I have a better idea of what I am doing.

Thanks again.


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