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13 hours ago, Christoph112233 said:

I'd like to use only the FSUIPC Autosave-Function. My sim is Prepar3dv5.2. Will I need to purchase a license or is there some freeware option that includes Autosave?

The auto-save functionality is only available in the licensed versions of FSUIPC (FSUIPC6 for P3Dv5).


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Can you not see the AutoSave/GPSOut tab?
If not, then you are using an unregistered version. Do you have an FSUIPC6.key file in your FSUIPC6 installation folder?
Where have you installed FSUIPC6? Make sure it isn't installed in a windows protected folder, such as Program Files or under your Documents folder.


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Hello John!

I have FSUIPC installed in: This PC/Documents/P3Dv5 Add-Ons/FSUIPC6

The FSUIPC text folder inside the install location says:

********* FSUIPC6, Version 6.1.6 (4th November 2021) by Pete & John Dowson *********
Prepar3D.exe version =
Running inside Prepar3D v5
Module base=7FFF959B0000
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19043, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
Reading options from "C:\Users\Christoph\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC6 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Can you tell me how I get FSUIPC to run now? Which folder should I choose for installation? So I assume uninstall and then installing it again into the location you will hopefully provide information on?

Best regards,


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1 hour ago, Christoph112233 said:

Can you tell me how I get FSUIPC to run now? Which folder should I choose for installation? So I assume uninstall and then installing it again into the location you will hopefully provide information on?

Just re-run the installer - it will then first uninstall from your current location. When installing, select the installation location outside if your Documents folder, e.g. C:\FSUIPC6.


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8 minutes ago, Christoph112233 said:

The installer worked, but without asking for register details this time.

The installer always goes to the registration page, if it didn't, then it must have crashed.

8 minutes ago, Christoph112233 said:

The install location I chose was C/Program Files.

You need to select an installation location that IS NOT a windows protected folder, such as Program Files or Documents.

Please select another location.

If you continue to get issues, you may need to install/update your VC++ redistributables. Instructions for this are in the provided README.txt.


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The Installer says, after entering data and pressing "Register": "Rgistration details have been validated". Then I click ok, the setup finishes and then
in P3D FSUIPC says: "unregistered".

In a post in April 2020 you stated: "You should then get a pop-up telling you if the registration was successful or not. If successful, a key file will be generated."

Which key file? Where should it be? What to do with it?

As last file, I attached a snapshot where I can chose the destination folder. Please tell me which one to take.





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On 11/15/2021 at 3:10 PM, Christoph112233 said:

Thats what I did, I installed it into Program Files - But still, no success...

I said "select an installation location that IS NOT a windows protected folder, such as Program Files or Documents."
So why did you install it in Program Files?
PLEASE try installing in another folder, e.g. C:\FSUIPC6, as I suggested.

The key file is automatically generated and saved in your FSUIPC installation folder. If you have installed under Program Files, it seems that this file cannot be created for some users. You can manually create your key file, but if this is an issue it is better to install elsewhere as you can have issues further down the line with your assignments, as they are also saved in the installation folder.



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38 minutes ago, Christoph112233 said:

When I use Autosave, the Files are saved in the Prepar3d v5 Files, like if I would save manually - Correct?


38 minutes ago, Christoph112233 said:

Correct? What is the maximum time interverall for AutoSave?

4294967 seconds - just short of 50 days....a lot higher than you would ever really want!


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