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I have been spending a considerable amount of time flying the FSX-Steam version of PMDG's wonderful DC-6.  As with all my simulated aircraft, I control the DC-6 with a licensed copy of FSUIPC ver 4.9.74.  So far, I only have one problem with the DC-6 and I don't know if it has anything to do with FSUIPC so I thought I'd ask about the problem here.

When flying an ILS approach, on course and intercept altitude,  the aircraft starts a momentary climb of about 500ft/min when intercepting the glide slope before stopping and losing the glide slope rather than pitching down on the glide slope.  Could FSUIPC have anything to do with this.  PMDG claims that the DC-6 will intercept and follow a glide slope if setup properly.  I think I an flying the intercept properly the the results are wrong.

I'll update my copy of FSUIPC to the latest version but I like any ideas that anyone might have concerning this problem.


James M Driskell

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11 hours ago, jdriskell said:

When flying an ILS approach, on course and intercept altitude,  the aircraft starts a momentary climb of about 500ft/min when intercepting the glide slope before stopping and losing the glide slope rather than pitching down on the glide slope.  Could FSUIPC have anything to do with this.

No, sorry. There's no FSUIPC activity other than what you program it to do, and then it would be by button, axis or keyboard input as the trigger.

You could use Event and Axis logging to see if anything is sending an unwanted input, but best not to enable such logging until just before your expect this behavior or the resulting log will be far to big to analyse easily.



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Hi Pete,

Longtime no communicate.   Hope you're doing well. 

I asked the question just to rule out the problem.  I'm having a running gun battle with a whippersnapper at PMDG over this problem.   I'll log the next event to see if I can spot a problem.   Thanks for the response,


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