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I specify that I am that I am on windows 11 and p3d 5.3
this is what I did.
1) in "axis assignment" I checked "profile specific"
2) in "buttons + switches" I also check "profile specific"
3) I click on ok
when i'm in the cockpit, the axes work, but not the joystick buttons.
I go back to fsuipc then "buttons + switches" "profile specific" is unchecked.
I check in "buttons + switches" "profile specific", I try the joystick buttons everything works, I click ok, I go back to the cokpit, and even the joystick buttons do not work. I go back to fsuipc then "buttons + switches" "profile specific" is still unchecked.
Thank you in advance for your answers

  On 12/10/2021 at 1:38 PM, target11 said:

1) in "axis assignment" I checked "profile specific"
2) in "buttons + switches" I also check "profile specific"
3) I click on ok
when i'm in the cockpit, the axes work, but not the joystick buttons.
I go back to fsuipc then "buttons + switches" "profile specific" is unchecked.


Yes, it is always unchecked when you enter the page. With button assignments, you can assign to the profile OR to the general section. All general section button assignments also apply to all profiles, unless overridden by a profile specific button assignment. For button assignments in profiles, the general assignments are loaded first and then augmented or overridden with the profile specific ones.

  On 12/10/2021 at 1:38 PM, target11 said:

I check in "buttons + switches" "profile specific", I try the joystick buttons everything works, I click ok, I go back to the cokpit, and even the joystick buttons do not work. I


This may be because you have a profile specific button for that aircraft. Did you try again checking the profile specific button, then press your joystick button to see what os assigned to that button in the profile?

You should be aware the profile specific assignments for buttons and keys work very differently to profile specific axes assignments. The general section for buttons and keys is always loaded in each profile, and then updated from the profile specific assignments. For axes, only the profile specific assignments are used - this is why you have the option of 'importing' your general axes assignments into your profile specific assignments when you create an axes profile.

If you are still having issues or do not understand your assignments, activate logging for Events and Buttons + Switches, produce a short log file where you just load the aircraft and activate the button, exit then  show me your FSUIPC6.log file as well as your FSUIPC6.ini file and I can tell you what is happening and where you are misunderstanding the assignments, if that is the case.



thank you for your reply
in "buttons + switches" I check "profile specific", I try the buttons that I have configured and it works I see the keys



I click on ok
I click on the joystick button and instead of the flaps that move it's a radio button that lights up red arrow





As you are using profiles in separate files, I also need to see your FSA320.ini.

Probably better to also change your aircraft profile name, so instead of


1=FSLabs A321-211 - ACA (C-GITU) (1)




1=FSLabs A32


for a substring match on other aircraft for that profile.



Your assignments, from your log, also seem to be mainly for mouse macros. I cannot help you with those, but you need to check that the rectangle ifs that are used are correct. These can change on aircraft updates. Did you create the mouse macros yourself and test them? Of not, then name may be different to the function that they actually operate.

I suggest you review your macros and settings before posting again. Try with logging activated and the console window open, and you can see what is happening and what is being called in real-time.



And please, if you still have issues, lets sort this out with one button. i.e. load your aircraft, press one button that you think is assigned incorrectly, then exit and show me the relevant ini files (main + profile) and logs. No point complicating things with  so many other button presses for an initial analysis - the simpler the better. The issue is most probably the same for your other assignments.


P.S, Finishing now for the evening, so I will review any further posts tomorrow (maybe...!)


you know I'm a novice like many others, looking at the console, a log file, for me that doesn't mean anything.

But thank you for your patience good evening

  On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 PM, target11 said:

no unfortunately always the same problem


If you are talking about my suggestion to your profile name change, of course this would have no change as you are currently using the exact aircraft specified in your FSUIPC profile settings. I only suggested changing this so that it matches more than that aircraft/livery, so if you loadthe sane aircraft with a different livery, the profile will also be assigned to that aircraft.

It has no bearing on your current issue, whatever that may be. To be honest, I don't think there is an issue, but I cannot tell until you have shown me the requested files.


  On 12/10/2021 at 6:17 PM, target11 said:

you know I'm a novice like many others,


Then why are you using profiles in separate files? There is really no need, unless maybe you have very many complex profiles.
I do not understand why people use this option - I think I will remove this from the documentation, so it can still be used if really needed, but not visible to new users...

But, as I said, I cannot help you if you do not show me the files where your assignments are held. From your log, you certainly have things assigned. If they are not activating the correct function, it could be due to the mouse macros being misnamed, or the rectangle ids being updated, or other causes, but without seeing what your assignments are (and I may also need to see your macro files), then I cannot help.

  On 12/10/2021 at 6:17 PM, target11 said:

looking at the console, a log file, for me that doesn't mean anything.


Maybe not when you look at the log. Nut, if you keep the log open and press a button, you can see what button is pressed and what assignment that is triggering, which you should be able to make sense of. But if not, don't worry, that is why I have asked you yo post them here so that I can take a look.



thank you I found the solution, regarding the separated files I find that very well at least we do not have an ini file of 10,000 lines, for the requested files I do not even know how to do them

  On 12/10/2021 at 8:15 PM, target11 said:

I found the solution


Ok, that's good. Maybe you could explain what the solution (and maybe also the actual problem). This may help other users who encounter similar issues.

  On 12/10/2021 at 8:15 PM, target11 said:

regarding the separated files I find that very well at least we do not have an ini file of 10,000 lines, for the requested files I do not even know how to do them


You don't need to understand the ini files. The file(s) are managed via FSUIPC. But you do need to edit these files manually occasionally, for activating certain features (such as running programs or luas automatically) or overloading/adjusting assignments for conditions or other more advanced techniques. But we endeavor to provide details of how to do this in the various manuals included.
For support purposes it is easier for me to handle just the one ini file - 2 is not an issue but is generally harder to get hold of from the OP...
As a user I also prefer the one file, but thats just my personal preference.

Post your solution, if possible, and I will close this topic.





it was the mouse macros, so create a new macro file, reproduce the macro and change the part eg = RX400000ee, 1 in the original file to the newly created one, and that with all the macros that don't work.



FYI: Mouse macros are helpful, if there is no other method to map functions of an aircraft to hardware. But there is a drawback: Whenever there is a (minor) change in the aircraft (new gauges, etc.) you have to recreate them, as the hook address will change. So remember, you have to recreate them, whenever there is an update for your plane. And asan overall strategy use them only, if there is no other option (ipc.control, LVar, etc.) available.



thanks for your answer, for me LVAR and ipc.control i have no idea how it works, so i try to do with my very very weak knowledge, like the mouse macros which i have to change every time. When I started this topic I didn't even know that from version to version the macros had to be changed. Besides, this is the first time that it has happened to me before everything worked perfectly from version to version.

  On 12/11/2021 at 8:37 PM, target11 said:

thanks for your answer, for me LVAR and ipc.control i have no idea how it works, so i try to do with my very very weak knowledge, like the mouse macros which i have to change every time. When I started this topic I didn't even know that from version to version the macros had to be changed. Besides, this is the first time that it has happened to me before everything worked perfectly from version to version.


From the log you posted, it looks like the mouse macros are triggering Rotor Brake events, with the parameter indicating the actual control that is used. You could switch to using these Rotor Brake controls directly, rather than via mouse macros. See the following tutorial: https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/22402-v440-update-in-depth-tutorial-to-bind-switches-and-push-buttons-to-keyboard-or-hardware-for-the-a3xx/



Thank you very much I will look at all this, it is true that if there is a solution than going through the mouse macros which are very useful, I will take it.
thank you again for all your answers and patience
Have a good day


just a question is it possible that this line
EVENT: Cntrl = 65709 (0x000100ad), Param = 70192 (0x00011230) NAV2_RADIO_SET
appears continuously in the console to retrieve the Rotor Brake parameters
Thank you in advance for your answers


Some aircraft seem to continually send some events (even more so in MSFS). You can use the DontLogThese ini parameter to stop such messages being logged, best used in your profiles section, i.e.


1=FSLabs A32



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