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Feelthere Embraer V3_Panel States save?


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Hello guys!

When flying, I save the Scenario via the P3D Menu from time to time. After completion of the flight I delete the saved files, which are located in the P3v5 Files Folder. My question now is: Does the Feelthere Embraer v3 save additional files (for Panel States for examples) somewhere in the Feelthere? If yes, where can I find them?

I want to make sure all the generated files (which are created by saving the scenario) are deleted after I completed my flight to make sure I don't have too much data on my system.

Thank you for your help, much appreciated! Best regards!

Yours, Christoph


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Thank you, so no files are created in the Feelthere Folder (Panel States for example) by saving a Scenario via the P3D Menu, correct?

These files are not a problem at all, it's all fine! I just wanted to know if additional files are created somewhere in the Feelthere Folder each time I save a Scenario via the P3D Menu.

Thank you for your help, best regards! 

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5 minutes ago, Christoph112233 said:

so no files are created in the Feelthere Folder (Panel States for example) by saving a Scenario via the P3D Menu, correct?

I don't know all the places. Why does this matter? If any files are created they need to be left in-place and unmolested.

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