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2 minutes ago, hrings said:

In the FSUIPC INI. file is just to remove the last part. (-custom control: <69681>}-
for all posting to have a better watch(overview) of the system

Sorry, but I am not sure what you are asking...could you maybe rephrase?

The annotations are automatically added. Looking at what you posted, the annotations on the first two entries don't look correct though - did you manually change these?
They should be re-written the next time you run FSUIPC.

If you do not want the ini file annotated, you can change the following ini parameter in the [General] section:
although I don't understand why you would want to do this....!


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The ones in green I have put in myself and want to keep.
The ones in yellow I want to get rid of. Is it just to delete?

I feel that I have better overview of the .ini file when looking as ex. 2Capture1.JPG.96aa601ade40a4dada1ee16de35bbe07.JPGCapture.JPG.a81fa6329141442e6087e8d9dabca1b8.JPG

And of course the original heading is !Buttons.B737]

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1 minute ago, hrings said:

The ones in green I have put in myself and want to keep.

As it says in the Advanced User guide:


You can add comments following a semicolon (;) at the end of the line, and these will be retained.


2 minutes ago, hrings said:

The ones in yellow I want to get rid of. Is it just to delete?

If you remove them, they will be added back unless you add that ini parameter I mentioned. You cannot selectively keep annotations, its all or nothing.
If I were you, I would just add your additional comments AFTER (i.e. at the end of the line, as the documentation states) the annotations. But if you want to remove all annotations, go ahead and add that ini parameter.


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