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Update FSUIPC7 and a Default C172 Axis/Calibration File


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While recovering from spine surgery I haven't been able to set up FSUIPC7 adequately for the C172. Could anyone answer two questions please?

I'm sure my copy of FSUIPC7 is grossly downlevel. Must I uninstall the old level before installing the current one?

After assigning C172 axes (Saitek yoke, TQ, and rudder, no matter how hard I tried, control surface sensitivities were far too touchy. Might you have a basic axis assignment and calibration setup that I could use as a starting point?

I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me a hand.

Thanks and Regards, Gary

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18 hours ago, granathg said:

I'm sure my copy of FSUIPC7 is grossly downlevel. Must I uninstall the old level before installing the current one?

Not sure what this means, but you should always be using the latest version of FSUIPC, especially if you require support. Only the latest version is supported. The current version is v7.2.15, so please update if not using that version.

18 hours ago, granathg said:

After assigning C172 axes (Saitek yoke, TQ, and rudder, no matter how hard I tried, control surface sensitivities were far too touchy. Might you have a basic axis assignment and calibration setup that I could use as a starting point?

Calibration is always specific to your devices and aircraft. Just assign your axis 'direct to FSUIPC calibration' and calibrate your axis in FSUIPC. You can add a slope curve (also in the calibration panels) to reduce or increase) sensitivity  - try playing around with those to get a feel that is right for you.

18 hours ago, granathg said:

While recovering from spine surgery I haven't been able to set up FSUIPC7 adequately for the C172.

I wish you a speedy recovery!



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