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Why no event for joystick button release


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I am a registered user of FSUIPC7, with which I have been able to make lots of things for years.
I thank the authors a lot for this excellent software.

Today, I have got a small difficulty :

I want to use the "ENG1" button of my Airbus Throttle TCA (from Thrustmaster).
I wrote a Lua script with
   event.button ("H" , 2 , "my function") .

When I push the button, the event accesses correctly to "My Function" .
But when I release the button, there is no managed event.
Nothing happens (checked in the log of the console)

I also tried "event.button ("H" , 2 , downup,  "my function") : again no reaction on release.

Now, I tried to use Assignments + Buttons (in the menu) , with assigning one lua for Button-press and a second lua for Button-release.
It works perfectly well. 

Do you have an idea of why it works with KeyPress and not with event.button ?
Thank you in advance.

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12 hours ago, michel78320 said:

I also tried "event.button ("H" , 2 , downup,  "my function") : again no reaction on release.

To receive button presses and release, the format is:
    event.button ("H" , 2 , 3,  "my function")

The downup is a parameter and should be one of the following values (as described in the documentation):

Except for the button “255” case, the optional “downup” parameter specifies the change to be detected:

Omitted when pressed
1 when pressed
2 when released
3 when pressed or released (see Note * below


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Thank you for this very clear answer.

Indeed, I misinterpreted the documentation. Sorry !
Your example is very clear. Thank you.

FSUIPC is a wonderful program, which makes it possible to do what MSFS does not know how to do ...
I use Hvars and Lvars to interface all my hardware modules (Open Cockpit, VRinsight and CP-Flight) under MSFS.
That's wonderful, and your support is at the top.



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