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Lvar and HVar window list is disable


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1 hour ago, Framac said:

in the options Add-ons/Wasm/List LVars and List HVars, the window is disable and the vertical scroll bar is also disable, so I can not scroll the list or select the list.

Sorry - I made a change to allow keyboard input to be recognised from the FSUIPC main window (mainly for use on a client PC) and this has also disabled the main windows scrolling ability. I will correct this in the next release. For the time being, look in the log (you can use Log -> Open Console) as lvars/hvars should also be listed there.


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Also, regarding LVARS, I have created a LUA file to turn on and off lights for the warning and caution...Generic_Master_Warning_active

But the lights won't work until i go in FSUIPC and do a LIST of Lvars...after i do list, they work fine ???



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When you list lvars via the WASM menu option, an automatic reload is first performed, which will reload all lvars and hvars.
The problem will be that the lvar was not discovered (and hence not available) when the lvar list was sent from the WASM to FSUIPC7.
By default, the lvar scan is performed 5 seconds after aircraft load has completed. but it can take a minute or longer for lvars to become available in more complex aircraft.
You can change this by setting the LvarScanDelay ini parameterin the WASM - see the Advanced User guide for details. I use a value of 45sm which although doesn't give me all the lvars for some of the more complex airliners (e.g. FBW A320), it gives me all those that I use.

Alternatively, you can switch from using the lua lvar functions to using calculator code to set the lvars. Setting an lvar via calculator code does not require the lvar to be know to FSUIPC. Also, rather than lua, you can use a calculator code preset and assign to that directly. There is probably already a (MobuFlight) preset available for the lights - check the MobiFlight preset list (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/).



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I apologize for responding just now, Yes, now it's ok, thank you very much.
Regarding "Setting an lvar via calculator code does not require the lvar to be know to FSUIPC." 
It's possible to use the calculator code directly from C# to declare one LVar that is not readed at start?
Some times some LVars from FBW are never readed from FSUIPC and I already have the  LvarScanDelay=60
The LVars more problematis are from the FCU, "A32NX_AUTOPILOT_SPEED_SELECTED" etc.
If they are not readed I have to turn off and on the simulator.
if there is any way to declare them that would be great 
Thanks for you help John.👌
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13 hours ago, Framac said:

It's possible to use the calculator code directly from C# to declare one LVar that is not readed at start?

The WAPI (WASM API) provides a createLvar function, and if you are using Paul Henty's dll for .NET, that may have access to that function via C#. However, if this is an lvar that is provided by the aircraft, you should not create it yourself. 

13 hours ago, Framac said:

Some times some LVars from FBW are never readed from FSUIPC and I already have the LvarScanDelay=60

Try an determine how long it takes for the lvar you want to use to be created after aircraft load, and then set the LvarScanDelay parameter accordingly. Alternatively, you can always call the Reload function (at any time), which will rescan for all available lvars (and hvars) when called.


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20 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Alternatively, you can always call the Reload function (at any time), which will rescan for all available lvars (and hvars) when called.

When the LVar is not read at the beginning, even if I reload after 5 minutes, it still doesn't read or appears in the WASM list.
I've tried disable and reenable,and reload the WASM but if at the beginning it doesn't read, it never reads
What I've been doing is waiting 1 min before click "Ready to Fly" wait another minute before do anything, and it seems to work, they are read and appears in WASM.
it's weird because all the others work fine and are always the same.


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11 minutes ago, Framac said:

When the LVar is not read at the beginning, even if I reload after 5 minutes, it still doesn't read or appears in the WASM list. I've tried disable and reenable,and reload the WASM but if at the beginning it doesn't read, it never reads What I've been doing is waiting 1 min before click "Ready to Fly" wait another minute before do anything, and it seems to work, they are read and appears in WASM. it's weird because all the others work fine and are always the same.

Try not to embed your reply in the quoted text as its not that easier to read...

No need to wait before clicking "Ready-to-fly". The scan delay parameter is not linked to this.

14 minutes ago, Framac said:

if at the beginning it doesn't read, it never reads

If its never found, it doesn't exist. Maybe it is only created once the AP has been turned on? You can try turning th AP on and then re-scanning to see if it is found then.
Otherwise, maybe the maximum number of lvars limit has been exceeded? How many lvars do you see? FSUIPC7 will only read up to a maximum of 2044 lvars.


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Yes, wasm is reading 2044 LVars from FBW 😮
Most with nothing significant (to me) like "dc6_940_obj = 0.000000"
The FCU ones are the only ones that give me problems and no, they are not created only when the AP is turned on.
If they can be read it is at the beginning, if they cannot be read at this stage, they never are.
But I think the problem no longer have anything to do with the FSUIPC. 😐

Once it exceeds the limit, a good option would be to be able to deactivate some LVars that are not used and to be able to activate others that are needed. 😁

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11 hours ago, Framac said:

Yes, wasm is reading 2044 LVars from FBW 😮
Most with nothing significant (to me) like "dc6_940_obj = 0.000000"

That lvar looks like it belongs to the Douglas DC6 (PMDG) - do you have that aircraft installed? If so, try removing that from your community folder if not using it (the MSFS Add-on Manager is a good free tool that many folks use to manage the contents of their Community folder). Also, i have noticed that if you start using one aircraft, and then switch to another (or even if the aircraft you used in a previous session is different to the one that you are using in newly started session) the the lvars from the previous aircraft are not fully cleared and are reported as available in the current aircraft. I'm not sure if this is due to the aircraft or MSFS (but most probably the latter).

I will take a look at the FBW later to see how many lvars I see with that aircraft...

12 hours ago, Framac said:

Once it exceeds the limit, a good option would be to be able to deactivate some LVars that are not used and to be able to activate others that are needed.

I'm not sure you can 'deactivate' them. The gauges API provides functions to unregister them. However, I suspect this must be used with great care as unregistering an lvar used by the aircraft model could have severe affects, and it is difficult to determine what lvars are in use. I can investigate using these functions, but it would be better if MSFS (or the aircraft developers) removed all existing lvars before creating these used by the current model.

12 hours ago, Framac said:

The FCU ones are the only ones that give me problems and no, they are not created only when the AP is turned on.
If they can be read it is at the beginning, if they cannot be read at this stage, they never are.
But I think the problem no longer have anything to do with the FSUIPC. 😐

Could they be created but not visible as they are created with ids > 2044? Maybe compare an id-ordered lvar list (available in the FSUIPC7log when you list the lvars) to see the difference between when they are available and when not. If you have a while bunch of defunct lvars before the FBW ones, these could make those lvars go outside of the 2044 range. If thats not the case, then you need to ask the FBW team why these are sometimes not available.


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@John Dowson Okay, I've been doing some tests and the result is as follows:
- All tests were done by running the simulator without changing planes at the beginning, the plane is selected before exit the FS:
- Everytime I change the plane, I exit the simulator wait about 30 sec and run again.

a) Run the FS with the FBW A320NX selected without change plane (is already selected).
- FSUIPC show alot of LVARs from other planes I NEVER fly like: 😮
B787_10_MFD_1_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 
Before that it shows alot of PMDG DC6 LVARS (I only fly this plane 2 or 3 month ago), I uninstall the plane and now it no longer shows.

b) select for example C172, Exit FS, run FS with C172 selected, 
- FSUIPC show alot of LVARs from FBW A320NX 
Sometimes reads 2044 LVARs (with LVars from other planes) and my program doesn't work
Othertimes read just the FBW LVars (1434) and everything works fine.
I tested it with a friend of mine and the same thing happens on his pc. 😐

With FSUIPC V7.2 everything seems to be ok.:
What could be the problem? 🤪
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13 hours ago, Framac said:

b) select for example C172, Exit FS, run FS with C172 selected, - FSUIPC show alot of LVARs from FBW A320NX

That is because the FBW is still in your Community folder.

13 hours ago, Framac said:

a) Run the FS with the FBW A320NX selected without change plane (is already selected). - FSUIPC show alot of LVARs from other planes I NEVER fly like: 😮 B787_10_MFD_1_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 FA18_DDI_HSI_BING_MAP_SHOWN = 0.000000

Yes, this is normal.

13 hours ago, Framac said:

Before that it shows alot of PMDG DC6 LVARS (I only fly this plane 2 or 3 month ago), I uninstall the plane and now it no longer shows.

You don't need to uninstall, just move out of your Community folder if not using. As I said, take a look at the MSFS Add-On Manager.

13 hours ago, Framac said:

With FSUIPC V7.2 everything seems to be ok.:

There is no change between v7.2 and v7/3 as far as lvar discovery is concerned. It is the WASM module that provides the lvars, and this has only had minor updates. You would have seen exactly the same lvars using v7.2 as the latest version.

FSUIPC just provides the lvars that are available - it does not know which aircraft has created (or is associated to) an lvar, it just reports the lvars it finds. And lvars associated to other aircraft not currently loaded have been returned since access to lvars has been available. You need to raise a bug report with Asobo/MSFS if you want to get this corrected - I suspect this has been reported a number of times already (I reported this nearly a year ago).

As I said previously, the only way I know of to reduce the number of lvars is by removing anything you are not going to use from your Community folder before you start MSFS. 

And none of this is related to the topic of this post, which has been resolved. I am therefore closing this topic now.


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