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OffSet 0x3124 w/ FSX Steam


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I have come across a strange issue with FSX Steam & OffSet 0X3124 with FSUIPC v4.977.

The expected returned value should be between 101 to 109 for FSX-SE, however I have one user that is getting a value of 112 which I think is the value range for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (110 and up?).

Unfortuantely I do not own FSX-SE, so I am unable to test it on my end., so any assistance regarding this would be appreciated.



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 however I have one user that is getting a value of 112 which I think is the value range for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (110 and up?).

The 0x3124 offset is the specific version number of the flight sim. This means it has different sets of values depending on which flight sim you are connected to. FSX has one range of values. P3D has a different set of values etc. Some values may overlap between sims.

You can only know which flight sim you are connected to with offset 0x3308, not with 0x3124.

For FSX, the value 112 in offset 0x3124 means build 12 of the Steam Edition (Version 10.0.63003.0), which is the latest beta version. The last stable release for FSX-SE was 9 (109), which was probably the latest version when the documentation was written, and the version you get if you don't opt into betas on Steam.


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The reason I use 0X3124 is because I need to know the specific version of a flight simulator platform.

For example.

0X3308: Value 12 is P3D 64 Bit

0X3124:  40 to 49 = Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4

0X3124:  50 to 59 = Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v5

How can I get a specific version of a flight simulator platform using 0X3308?


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You need to use both.  There is not enough information in 0x3124 alone. The platform type at 0x3308 will tell you how to interpret the version code at 0x3124.

In short:

If it's P3D or MSFS you divide the version code by 10. (e.g. 21 = V2.1).

if it's FSX then version code 1= RTM, 2 = SP1, 3 = SP2 and 4= Acceleration (all non-steam editions). Anything over 100 means Steam Edition and you subtract 100 to get the specific build number. (e.g. 109 = Build 9 = Last stable release. 112 = Build 12 = Latest Beta).


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This is interesting, even though I have no idea what you are talking about.

I have the Steam Version 10 Build 69005.00, and FSUIPC is not working with it. Doesn't show up in the menu bar.

So I am assuming I am having the issue that you are talking about, and looks like it may not be fixable???

I also have FSX Deluxe Edition, with Acceleration pack on a separate disk.

Should I maybe remove the Steam Version and Install the Deluxe version to save myself a lot of head aches, or maybe not.

I had the Deluxe version running before, but it seemed to have issues with Level D 767, like I couldn't change the Barometric pressure on the analog gauge, and does not show up in the menu like it did with FS2004, so I thought to try Steam.

But nothing shows up in the menu bar for Level D or FSUIPC4 in Steam.

Any idea's would be greatly appreciated, before I remove everything and re install it.


I miss my Nice mostly Stable Easy to use FS2004 😞

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Hi James,

This thread (and forum) is about programming, so it's not relevant to your issues as a user of FSUIPC.

I have the same version of FSX Steam Edition as you and FSUIPC4 works fine with it.

If you're having issues you need to post in the main FSUIPC support forum where John (the developer for FSUIPC) can help you get it working.

Follow this link and start a new topic:



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