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LIst LVARs and HVARs


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FSUIPC v7.3.5 the websocket server is running and WASM is enabled and I have show FSUIPC selected.  If I select List LVARS or HVARS from the Add-ons -> WASM menu I get binary characters in the FSUIPC7 window.  However, in the FSUIPC_WASM.log file it says 1752 LVARS found, no HVARS.  The FSUIPC log file shows 000 lvars, doesn't mention HVARS.  Is the list supposed to show up in the FSUIPC window? If I run the Websocket server and tell it to log LVARS, same result, zero LVARS.  HVARS produce no messages.

I assume I do not understand how this is supposed to work but thought that the LVARS should show up in the log or in the FSUIPC window.

I'm used to FSX, P3D and am trying to get a handle on what Asobo did to this sim.




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The latest and only supported version is v7.3.6 - please update. I am also planning on releasing v7.3.7 tomorrow.

Your issue sounds like you are just trying to list the lvars to early, before they have been received by FSUIPC7.
When you list lvars or hvars, they should appear both in the FSUIPC7 main window as well as in the log.
Note that hvars are only available if you have a valid *.hvar file for the loaded aircraft in a folder scanned for such files by the FSUIPC WASM module - see the Advanced User guide for details.

If you require further assistance, I will need to see your FSUIPC7.log file, preferably with Debug logging  enabled in the WAPI.
Make sure that you have updated to the latest available version before showing me this file.


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Sounds good.  I'll give it a try. 

The LVARS should list without an LVAR file - correct?

Where do I find the HVARs for an aircraft?  Would the developer supply a file or is there a way to get them from a dev tool in MSFS.  I found the LVAR list tool in the dev tools.

Hmm.  I just downloaded it and when I open the changes.txt I find v7.3.5 changes listed twice with the most recetn on 30 May 2022. Is that really 7.3.6? Yes. About shows 7.3.6.

I'll get 7.3.7 when it's released.




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12 hours ago, DakotaPilot said:

The LVARS should list without an LVAR file - correct?


12 hours ago, DakotaPilot said:

Where do I find the HVARs for an aircraft?  Would the developer supply a file or is there a way to get them from a dev tool in MSFS. 

the developers should supply them (but they rarely, if at all, do...), otherwise you need to go through the aircraft code to find them...
But these days it is far easier to use presets than hvars directly. Presets are a name associated to a junk of calculator code, that can use hvars (without them being known to FSUIPC via hvar files), lvars, A:vars (simvars) and k:vars (simulator events). Tale a look at the MF HubHop site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) - this is a community driven effort led by MobiFlight to determine the code (i.e. what lvars, hvars, etc to use to set a particular function) for various aircraft, both by Asobo and also for add-on aircraft.

12 hours ago, DakotaPilot said:

I found the LVAR list tool in the dev tools.

What is this? I have not heard of this...

12 hours ago, DakotaPilot said:

I just downloaded it and when I open the changes.txt I find v7.3.5 changes listed twice with the most recetn on 30 May 2022. Is that really 7.3.6?

Yes - that is just a cut-and-paste error in the changes.txt file (it has already been corrected).


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What a mess Asobo made of something that worked well!  It is what it is and we are stuck with it.

With the deve menu turned on under Windows -> Behaviours is a LocalVariable tab and in the upper right a drop down from which you can choose xml files.  I was working with the Redwing L1049G and found some of the variables that seem to belong to this plane there.  If I pick the L1049.xml file it's using the file from the Redwing files.

I will take a look at that link you referenced.


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