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Loss of controls after SU10


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1 hour ago, John Dowson said:
2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Those offset use the Axis Left/Right Brake Set controls, so I will check them here (both with and without calibration, and via the offsets).

The Axis Left/Right Brake set controls are no longer working in SU10, and as that is what the offsets use, that will be the issue. There is nothing I can do about this at the moment ecept report to Asobo/MSFS. Sorry about that.

@AgniparvataThis is not quite correct....I had the parking brake set when I was testing...duh!

I now do see some movement. However, it seems like the Brake Right/Left Position now go from 0-32767 and not 0-16383. I have updated for this in the attached version if you would like to try it.

If you still have issues with this version, could you add FSUIPC monitoring of those offsets (0x0BC4 and 0x0BC6) and show me an FSUIPC7.log file where you apply the toe brakes. Also, please let me know what/if you are using those ini parameters, AxisCalibration set to Yes, or DirectAxesCalibs set to Yes or All?

Also, check you FSUIPC7.ini and if you see any LeftBrake or RightBrake entries under your [JoystickCalibration] (or profile equivalent, if using) section then please remove those and try again - it seems that these are sometimes left even if the calibration is removed (I will look into this).



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9 minutes ago, amicodepla said:

Hi John my experience today using last beta ( 7.3.9f). Clearing all axis calibration, no problems in my airplane.  Complete flight with Concorde

Ah, great...including the toe brakes fully functional? What about with the latest beta I posted above - can you check with that to see if that makes a difference please.


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ONCE again,

i checked it furthermore l.

FSUPC7 as normal Axis without calibration. Axis Throttle1 Set. RAW Data -8536 / 16383. Controler-Board is working. But nothing happens in the Aircraft.

Another Test with Axis&Ohs, at first á malfunction! Saw RAW Data little tumbling but the Slider wasn‘t moving! All Axis in MSFS2020 deleted. Start another attempt.


JustFlight PA28 works with A&O, Carenado Seminole at second not. Gonna check this out with FSUIPC7!


No Chance to get on with FSUIPC7 also not in the aforementioned PA28 or Carenado Seminole.


Carenado Seminole now works on Axis&Ohs! Also PA28.

Fault in FSUIPC7 at all to get on with Axis.

I guess there is a big bug by the last MSFS2020 Update after which no connection is established to connect and calibrate other Controllers into the Simulator by FSUIPC7. Buttons not checked.

Maybe there are individual cases where it works. FSUIPC7 worked before without any malfunction til this last Update.

If i can do some Checks for help let me know 

(Axis&Ohs is Running. Malfunction in FSUIPC7 by newest MSFS2020 update) 


if i can do few Checks let me know



Edited by Cloud8.5
Update Settings & Calibration A&O for Check totally
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Elevator, Aileron, and Rudder are working for me if I remove calibrations and restart the client as before.

I'm using MFG Crosswinds, toe brakes are not working with or without calibration, with the newest beta and the EXE posted earlier.

Reversers sent direct are not working either, but spoilers sent direct are working.

Edited by Berzerker
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Just as another data point, all my axes, including toe brakes, are working as expected when I fly using Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration, although I'm not sure if the Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration  is grayed out or not. I don't recall how it normally looks.  Aircraft is the Flysimware C414, using Fulcrum throttle, Saitek rudder pedals, and Saitek TQ. FSUIPC7 ver 7.3.9f.  For example, this is what I see:



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18 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

Just as another data point, all my axes, including toe brakes, are working as expected when I fly using Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration, although I'm not sure if the Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration  is grayed out or not. I don't recall how it normally looks. 

That is correct - it is grayed-out once assigned unless you click the Clear button.
Same here - most axes I have tried are working ok when assigned to 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration' and calibrating, and also when assigning with 'Send to FS as normal axis' and removing any calibration. The only axis I have so far (haven't checked all!) found that is not working is Axis Mixture Set which always gives errors regardless. However, this is an undocumented axis in MSFS so there is not much I can do - I will probably remove this.

I have been mainly working on WASM/lvar loading issues today, and have just released an updated beta 7.3.9h, so can all users with issues please update to that (see Announcements sub-forum). I will come back to looking at the axes issues tomorrow, and will review the comments again and do more testing.

If you post on issues, PLEASE state which aircraft you are using, how you have assigned - either direct to calibration or send to FS as normal axis, and if using the latter please double check that you have no calibration settings as doing this no longer works. As I have mentioned before, best to check the the calibration section in the FSUIPC7.ini (either general or your profile specific section) and check that there are no entries for the axes you are using - for example, I have noticed that removing toe brake calibration can still leave zero calibration entries which currently need to be manually removed.

Also maybe post your ini (and profile ini, if using) so I can check your assignments. I can test in all default aircraft and several add-ons (but by no means all!). For example, I have the JF PA28 and the throttle axis is working ok in that for me, so @Cloud8.5 must be assigning or calibrating incorrectly (show me your FSUIPC7.ini!).

Until tomorrow...


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## so @Cloud8.5 must be assigning orcalibrating incorrectly ##

It‘s like i said also before. FSUIPC7 ran flawlessly up to this mentioned newest MSFS2020 update. I had already made axis settings here before and the axes worked in the JF PA28 and Carenado Seninole without any malfunction!

I already used FSUIPC in fs9, FSX.

Then i reset FSUIPC7 (only use axes)

All axes have been removed from MSFS2020 too.

Restart: No changes

Deinstall and Re-Install and Register FSUIPC7 was successful.

No Changes.

Even in the settings it makes No difference wheter i send the commands as calibrated or as normal axis.

Then i set the axis back/ assigend in MSFS2020.

Then i installed as already described Axis&Oh‘s Programm to Check out what happens.

First JF PA28 worked very well, Carenado Seminole not. MSFS2020 axis deleted once again. Axis&Ohs restart.

JF PA28 and Carenado Seminole work without any problems in Axis&Ohs.

FSUIPC7 start again, new settings. RAW Data can be read at all. Controller Board L. Bodnar and 10K Poti stable Control.

proceed - but No Action into that aforementioned Aircrafts.

It seems that the Connection btw FSUIPC7 and MSFS2020 doesn’t work.

At next i ll offer the .ini File.






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5 hours ago, Cloud8.5 said:

It‘s like i said also before. FSUIPC7 ran flawlessly up to this mentioned newest MSFS2020 update. I had already made axis settings here before and the axes worked in the JF PA28 and Carenado Seninole without any malfunction!

Yes, I know - it is the SU10 release / SDK 0.9.3 release that has broken certain things, and you need to review your axes assignments accordingly for the moment...

5 hours ago, Cloud8.5 said:

FSUIPC7 start again, new settings. RAW Data can be read at all.

What does thus mean?

5 hours ago, Cloud8.5 said:

At next i ll offer the .ini File.

I need to see your FSUIPC7.log file as well as your FSUIPC7.ini to start with....


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42 minutes ago, Chad P said:

Tested 7.3.9g, but my toe brakes don't work with this version.

Did they work in the previous version (and what was that version)? Can you try 7.3.9h (latest beta) and if you still have issues, show me your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter generated with Axes Controls logging activated, load your aircraft, release the parking brake and push each toe brake through its full range, then exit FSUIPC7.

As for the A320 parking brake script, I will look into that. Could it be that the toe brakes weren't working as the parking brake was set due to this issue?


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3 hours ago, amicodepla said:

Hi John, yesterday I used fsuipc 7.3.9 g with md80 Leonardo. No problems found, but I am flighting without Joystick calibration. Today I wll try 7.3.9h. 

If you want/need to calibrate, try assigning with 'send direct to FSUIPC7 calibration'. 7.3.9h mainly contains fixes relating to lvar/hvar discovery and loading and shouldn't affect any axes assignments (i.e. no changes there).


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##FSUIPC7 start again, new settings. RAW Data can be read at all.##

means, during i am moving the Lever/s (in/out „RAW“ Data)   -8536 / 16383 inside FSUIPC7 window, obvious, means also Signal from Controller (Lever) reach FSUIPC7. But that want go forward to Cockpit. 

Obviously seems nothing to be different to the working FSUIPC7 before.

##I need to see your FSUIPC7.log file as well as your FSUIPC7.ini to start with....##

coming soon 

UPDATE: here it is


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10 minutes ago, Chad P said:

Toe Brakes won't work - also out of the blue the FSUIPC Settings for the toe brakes disapear and I have to insert them again, but this don't change anything.

This should certainly not happen...but your FSUIPC7.ini file is rather strange. You are using an FBW profile, but have no axis section for that profile. They are probably 'disappearing' as you have the profile-specific checkbox checked and there are no axis defined for that profile. You also have your LeftBrake assigned, but not the RightBrake.

Can you please try the attached FSUIPC7.ini. In this version, I have duplicated your axis assignments to your profile, as well as simplifying your profile aircraft names to a simple substring 'Airbus A320neo'. Try this ini, and add your RightBrake. You should also load another aircraft and add the RightBrake assignment to your nin0profile axis assignments, so that when you create other profiles it will get imported.

I see you are also using the A320ParkBrake.lua - is that working for you? I ask as I have had reports that this is no linger working, but have not had time to look into this yet...



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@Chad P Btw, when you create a profile (not based on an existing profile) you are asked id you want to import the general axis assignments. If you say yes, then the general axis assignments are copied to a profile-specific one. If you say no, an empty profile axes section is created. Your ini shows the profile but no profile axes section, which is why you are having these issues. I cannot see how this can happen unless you manually deleted this section from the ini. If you didn't do this, have you any idea how this happened? I have tried to reproduce but can't...



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Hi John,

I never had created an aircraft profile like the one for the fbw A320, I don't use this feature. Perhaps it's just an error by myself inserting the lua plugin for the parking brake for the FBW A320 without knowledge 🙂

Yes, the right brake suddenly disaperars during testing. I've added it again after uploading my logfile.

I've tried your ini file, but removed the FBW Profile. Ive to add the right brake again, it was empty

Here are the logs:


FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log

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Using latest 7.3.9h, same behavior as before. All control surfaces are working without calibration, using sent direct to FS (they are not working with calibration)

Spoilers are working direct to FSUIPC with calibration, Reversers are not, also direct to FSUIPC, with or without calibration. With those, I seem to get a slight amount of reverse action, allowing idle reverse, but no movement after that. Throttle 1 and 2 are set to Ex1, those are working as expected

Tested with PMDG and Fenix. My log was too long to attach, so here's a link to a pastebin. https://pastebin.com/raw/KA6PvU2N


Edited by Berzerker
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1 hour ago, Chad P said:

I never had created an aircraft profile like the one for the fbw A320, I don't use this feature. Perhaps it's just an error by myself inserting the lua plugin for the parking brake for the FBW A320 without knowledge 🙂

Now I am confused....are you saying that you are not using profiles? Thats fine if you only fly one aircraft, but is really needed, especially in MSFS, if using various aircraft.

You have now set the profile aircraft name to 'FBW' - this will not catch the FBW aircraft as that string is not in the name, and so your general assignments that will be used. And as the A320ParkBrake.lua is only started in the profile, it won't be started.

Do you want to use profiles or not? I really suggest you do, if you have any intention of using any other aircraft with FSUIPC7. Decide on that, and then we can correct your FSUIPC7.ini accordingly.


Sorry, missed this:

1 hour ago, Chad P said:

is there an option to set the nosewheel steering axis from MSFS to FSUIPC? I can't find it here.

I think only the Steering Set axis is exposed via SimConnect, but will check....

Edited by John Dowson
Further info added
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1 hour ago, Berzerker said:

Reversers are not, also direct to FSUIPC, with or without calibration. With those, I seem to get a slight amount of reverse action, allowing idle reverse, but no movement after that.

Ok, I will check this in the PMDG - presume you mean the 737-700? Better to specify the exact aircraft to avoid confusion. Anyway, I only have the 737-700 from PMDG, and don't have the Fenix, so will check in that.

45 minutes ago, amicodepla said:

I tried the latest beta with C172 default. The toe brakes in my situation do not work with calibration.

I will check this as well....


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