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FSUIPC 7 connection with MSFS2020


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I have un-installed and re-installed FSUIPC7 many times. Whenever I load up MSFS2020 , FSUIPC7 shows that it is connected to the sim, BUT when I allocate some switches to it, they appear to be saved but they do not operate any of the switches in MSFS2020 OR Air manager. What am I doing wrong ? I have used fsuipc for like ages without a problem !!

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You need to provide more information - what aircraft? What switches? Can you show me your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter generated with logging for Buttons & Keys and Events activated, load an aircraft, press one or two of your assigned switches (that are not working) and then exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the log file.


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Hello John,

I am using the default Beechcraft G58 Baron. I am also using Air Manager and FSUIPC7. 

The problem is that no matter what I setup in FSUIPC7 be it switches or axes slope etc , Nothing works in the actual flight sim but FSUIPC7 does work because I use it for information passed on through SPAD.NEXT for display information !

Here are the files you requested :- 


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Please show me a log file generated with the relevant logging activated - as I said:

On 9/30/2022 at 9:21 AM, John Dowson said:

generated with logging for Buttons & Keys and Events activated, load an aircraft, press one or two of your assigned switches (that are not working) and then exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the log file.

You only have 4 buttons assigned - master battery on/off and toggle alternator 1/2. For the G58, there are 4 presets available for the master battery (see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/😞

They are all using the Toggle Master Battery control, with the parameter indicating the battery number, so you could try that for the G58 - or assign directly to the presets.

With Event logging activated and the logging console, you can also flip the switch you want to assign in the virtual cockpit and see what event is logged for that switch and then assugn to that.

When assigning to presets or for aircraft specific functions, it is also recommended to use a profile for that aircraft.



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6 minutes ago, jetblue2478 said:

How does one go about deleting / resetting a profile for a specific a/c?

Once an aircraft is associated to a profile, to remove it from that profile you have to manually edit the FSUIPC7.ini file. Find the [Profile.xxx] section (where xxx is the profile name) and then remove the aircraft name (or names) from the list of aircraft associated to that profile. Do this when FSUIPC7 is closed/not running.


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