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15 hours ago, cteixeira said:

When the axis is in the range, they will not arm.

They will only arm when the spoiler axis enters the range. As the range starts at -16384, the axis will never enter the range from below, only from above. Try increasing that to -16000 or so.

Also, you need to activate logging for Events to see the controls logged, as they are non-axis events.


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I do not need to see screen-shots, just your ini and log files are enough. And you assignment screenshot also differs from what your ini shows, and so is confusing:
2=GR,B,-16254,-11573,66066,0,66067,0    -{ DIRECT: SpoilersEntering=SPOILERS_ARM_ON, Leaving=SPOILERS_ARM_OFF }-
i.e. from is not -15734 but -16254.

The log file shows no spoiler axis movement at all. This is because you used the aircraft "Airbus A320 Neo Asobo" which is not using your A320 profile, and so has no axes assignments.
Either add that aircraft to your profile or go back to using the "TAP-TNR".

You also have a missing device to which you have assignments:



This has been re-recognised as device G, to which you also have assignments. This is being caused by your throttle quadrant being recognised twice, once with a new and once without:


      296 Device acquired for use:
      296    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      296    0.GUID={848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}

      296 Device acquired for use:
      296    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      296    0=
      296    0.GUID={848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}

The registry entries for that 2nd entry without the name should be removed. You could try disconnecting, removng any drivers you installed, rebootung and then reconnect to see if that solves the issue. Otherwise I can provide you with a script to remove this from the registry completely and then you can re-connect and try again.
This is why you keep having to re-assign to that device, as it is continually recongised as a new device.

Anyway, I have attempted to correct a few things in the attached ini if you would like to ty with this, and show me a log file with the spoiler movement.
Otherwise, we can correct for your throttle quadrant first.



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44 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

I do not need to see screen-shots,

Sorry about that.

44 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

And you assignment screenshot also differs from what your ini shows, and so is confusing:

That is because I tried to define the range several times. That explains why the screen-shots calibration numbers are different from the configuration file

49 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

This is because you used the aircraft "Airbus A320 Neo Asobo" which is not using your A320 profile, and so has no axes assignments.
Either add that aircraft to your profile or go back to using the "TAP-TNR".

Do not know why this happened. I only realised the problems when I update MSFS to the latest version (sim update X), and remember that FSUIPC would not recognize axis at all. All I did was update FSUIPC to version 7.3.10, when you release it, and when I tried to assign axis again, I could not arm spoilers with the range enabled.

49 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

You could try disconnecting, removng any drivers you installed

They are all default windows 11 drivers

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

I can provide you with a script to remove this from the registry completely and then you can re-connect and try again.

If you can send thank you. Then I try to the new fsuipc.ini




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 I did some research about registry problems and joysticks, and I found this thread:


Did the same, unplugged 4 of my usb devices that are in the same hub, rebooted, deleted all registry entries attached, rebooted.

Started MSFS, had to assign all axis, and I’ve managed to arm and disarm spoilers only with “spoilers Arm toogle”.

It’s not the best way, but it’s better than it was.


FSUIPC7.zip HKLM_SYSTEM_CurrentControlSet_Contro_MediaProperties_PrivateProperties_Joystick_OEM.zip

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You still have the same issue - the throttle's GUID is being associated to two devices, one with the name 'CH THROTTLE QUADRANT' and one with an empyt name:


,,, HIDscanning completed

N, x00, x068E, x00FA, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x0E8F, x0003, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {848DE2D0-177F-11ED-8005-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x294B, x1900, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {848E30F0-177F-11ED-8010-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x045E, x02FF, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {89A6C650-17F8-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x068E, x00F2, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {848E5800-177F-11ED-8011-444553540000}, Y, N

,,, REGscanning completed

N, x00, x068E, x00FA, CH THROTTLE QUADRANT, -1, 0, 0, {NULL}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x0E8F, x0003, USB Joystick, -1, 1, 0, {NULL}, {848DE2D0-177F-11ED-8005-444553540000}, {848DE2D0-177F-11ED-8005-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, 0, 0, {NULL}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, {848D94B0-177F-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x294B, x1900, Alpha Flight Controls, -1, 2, 0, {NULL}, {848E30F0-177F-11ED-8010-444553540000}, {848E30F0-177F-11ED-8010-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x045E, x02FF, Controller (Xbox One For Windows), -1, 4, 0, {NULL}, {89A6C650-17F8-11ED-8001-444553540000}, {89A6C650-17F8-11ED-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x068E, x00F2, CH PRO PEDALS USB, -1, 3, 0, {NULL}, {848E5800-177F-11ED-8011-444553540000}, {848E5800-177F-11ED-8011-444553540000}, Y, Y

This looks to be an issue with a phantom xbox one controller entry, the same as reported in this thread:

The final solution in that thread was to leave the controller with an empty name, so you are now doing. I don't think there is much else to be done, but I will look into this issue further when time permits.


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5 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

I don't think there is much else to be done, but I will look into this issue further when time permits.

  Ok, thanks for the info. I do have a Xbox controller too. When you manage to know what's going on (controller without a name) , please say something. Thank you again Sir. 

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Yes, your xbox one controller is recognised ok:


      141 Product= Controller (Xbox One For Windows)
      141    Vendor=045E, Product=02FF (Version 0.0)
      141    GUIDs returned for product: VID_045E&PID_02FF:
      141       GUID= {89A6C650-17F8-11ED-8001-444553540000}
      141       Details: Btns=16, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U65535,V65535,X65535,Y65535,Z65535

Its the phantom one that is causing issue, same as in the previous post I refeenced:


      125 Product= Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)
      125    Vendor=28DE, Product=11FF (Version 0.0)

You could try running the attached regedit script to remove this, but I suspect windows will just add it back. I may look into getting FSUIPC to ignore such entries if this is going to be an issue,



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