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Invalid Key


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I have been having a lot of issues with MSFS 2020. Today, I reinstalled Windows 11 and MSFS. Upon reinstalling FSUIPC7, my key would not register. The installer claimed that it was invalid. I checked the key and it is the same as what is listed on Simmarket under my orders.

I bought the key when FSUIPC7 first came out and can send you the information from SimMarket as verification. I downloaded the temp key you have posted on this site, so i should be good to the end of the month. 

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If your key does not validate, it is either because you entered the details incorrectly or the required VC++ redistributables are missing. As you re-installed windows 11, it is most probably the latter. So, first try re-installing the VC++ redistributables,. Otherwise you can try manually creating your key file. Please see the provided Installing and Registering FSUIPC7 document, section Invalid Key Problems.


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