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Hemecomb alpha & bravo setup: constant constant roll to the left and decline


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Could you please help newcomer. I made  setup based  https://forum.simflight.com/topic/91617-a-step-by-step-for-fsuipc7-honeycomb-alpha-yoke-and-msfs2020/#comment-554525

In level flight, a single-engine aircraft is constantly descending (the trimmer has to be turned constantly) and often falls sharply to the left and falls.  There is no wind.  In the msfs controls settings of the honeycomb alfa everything is centered and everything works correctly

Could this setting  settings and scirpts make affect or I missed something? 

many thanks

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4 hours ago, edsaw34 said:

That post is quite old - it is still valid but you no longer need the lua scripts to see the buttons with numbers > 32. If you are using those, please remove them and assign to the original button numbers (as opposed to the button flags that are provided by those scripts). I have updated that post to reflect this.

4 hours ago, edsaw34 said:

In level flight, a single-engine aircraft is constantly descending (the trimmer has to be turned constantly) and often falls sharply to the left and falls.  There is no wind.  In the msfs controls settings of the honeycomb alfa everything is centered and everything works correctly

Could this setting  settings and scirpts make affect or I missed something? 

I don't think/see how this can be caused by FSUIPC...

Can yo check your assignments in MSFS - if assigning using FSUIPC, I recommend that you start with an empty profile in MSFS.

I can only look into what controls/events are being sent to the aircraft, not how the aircraft model is behaving from these commands. To check that what you are seeing is not due to the controls being sent, you can activate logging for Axes Controls in FSUIPC7. I suggest you only do this once you are in level flight and your issue starts to occur. The log file will still be quite large, so compress/zip it before attaching and I will take a look. Also, make sure you exit FSUIPC7 before compressing and attaching your log file. Also attach your FSUIPC7.ini file so that I can check your assignments.

Note also it is quite common to have to continually adjust trim in GA aircraft to maintain level flight (but not constantly!), but it shouldn't fall sharply to the left or right.


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58 minutes ago, edsaw34 said:

with n blank profile in MSFS, how could I setup Honeycomb Bravo Throttle because any reaction in FSUIPC for trust movement

You can assign either in MSFS or in FSUIPC, or have some assignments in MSFS and others in FSUIPC - it is up to you. However, you should not have assignments in both for the same axis/button/switch, as this will cause issues,
If you are assigning in FSUIPC only, you should create an empty profile in MSFS so that you don't have this dual assignment problem. Otherwise, you can keep the default assignments for your device/controller in MSFS, but make sure you remove/delete an assignment if you decide to use FSUIPC instead. Most people would use an empty profile in MSFS and assign everything in FSUIPC.

You would set-up the Honeycomb Bravo as you would any other controller, so I am not sure I understand your question. For the Bravo AP functions and trim wheel, see this for a basic configuration: 

For the throttle axes, you would set those up as you would any other axis. It is usually a good idea to assign to the standard throttle control first in your general profile (i.e. no profile selected) using Send to FSUIPC calibration and the Throttle control, and then calibrate this on the first page of the calibration tab. Different aircraft use different throttle controls (and it also depends on the number of engines the aircraft has, of course), so you would then set-up specific profiles for different aircraft (or groups of aircraft).

Please see the provided documentation (User Guide and Advanced User Guide). You can also search this forum for issues other people have had with Bravo set-up, which may help.


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