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MSFS 2020 FBW A320 throttle assigment problem


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Firstly, I entered fsuipc assigment for flybywire a320 like these pictures(for thrustmaster hotas dual throttles). 



After that, I encountered a problem which I control reverse thrust from my throttle(I don't want that).Also, there is a another discussion which is if I enter ,*-1 code into the axis control code in the .ini file and i did it. But, after doing this and restarting the game, control of throttle only get reversed.



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First, you are using an old an unsupported version of FSUIPC7, 7.3.7 - please update to the latest version, 7.3.16.

Check your throttle calibration in the flypad - make sure 'Reverser on axis' is set to off: see https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/flypados3/throttle-calibration/#5-test

2 hours ago, tanil2 said:

After doing,*0.5 throttle stays at idle ,but throttle won't go to/ga(I probably reduced by 50% for both sides)

Remove that...

I can take a look further if you still have issues - been having internet issues and have reconfigured my network and need to complete this. Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow...




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Also you can try switching to assign using 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration' and calibrate in the calibration tab, making sure 'No reverse zone' is checked'.

Please report back and I can look into this further tomorrow - been a while since I looked at the FBWA320 and now my MSFS is behaving strangely after it updated - keeps freezing....


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17 hours ago, tanil2 said:

I changed the codes in FSUIPC.ini file like that;

3=BZ,256,F,65821,0,0,0,*0.95,+8096    -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE2_SET }-
4=BR,256,F,65820,0,0,0,*0.95,+8096    -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE1_SET }-

and the problem is solved.

I guess you can do that - but you may have difficulties setting up reverse...

Would be better to remove the scaling, go into the flypad and configure the throttle axis for no reverse : Settings -> Sim Options -> Throttle Detents, uncheck 'Reverse on Axis' and then 'Save and Apply'.


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