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FSX Phenom Shutting Down


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Following the instructions in the Introductory Flight for the 100.  Every thing goes great until I advance the throttle to taxi.  Then all sorts of errors pop up; Flaps Error, YD off, Fuel, etc.    I then have to shut off and restart the engines, then it proceeds okay.

Last night I decided to not engage the flaps and trim until I was actively taxing and the only error that popped was 'A-I E1 Fail', which isn't listed in the manual.   Doing an Internet search it appears to be  a 'Anti-Ice failure in Engine 1'.

I know it's an old aircraft, but wondering if anyone else has experienced such errors on the initial taxi.


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On 2/2/2023 at 10:04 AM, scoobflight said:

What are your settings in FSX for faults occurring? Meaning have you set the game to give random aircraft failures/breakages?

Thanks for the response.  I don't have failures turned on. 

Sometime in the next couple of days I'm going to try some 'flaps off only', 'trim off only', or 'FD off only' flights to try and narrow down which is actually the cause of the error.  It may be that something on my system is conflicting with one of those settings.

Either way, the workaround works, so I'll add it to my checklist.

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Okay, so this is strange, but if I use my Saitek Trim Wheel to set trim, the plane errors out as I described above.  If instead I use the buttons on my Extreme 3D Pro to set trim, then all appears well.  Not sure and I guess only time will tell if this was the cause and solution, but for now blue skies..

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